Title: Angel Band: B.A.P Pairing: Himjaeup Rating: NC-17 Warning: Threesome, rough sex, bdsm. Summary: Youngjae has a surprise for Jongup. Notes: For the awesome cosmoqueen~ I'm sorry it took so long sweetie ><
Title: Stepping Out (2/2) Band: B.A.P Pairing: HimDaejong Rating: NC-17 Warning: Infidelity, BDSM. AU Summary: Kim Himchan has a secret. Notes: This got a bit more complicated and longer than originally intended.
Title: Stepping Out (1/2) Band: B.A.P Pairing: HimDaejong Rating: NC-17 Warning: Infidelity, BDSM. AU Summary: Kim Himchan has a secret. Notes: This got a bit more complicated and longer than originally intended.