Feb 12, 2006 21:12
it hit me today. it started to yesterday, slowly, but it hit me hard today. there it is.
there are some crazy things happening right in front of me, and i never saw them before. my life is a blank space compared to all the stuff going down.
first of all. i met a girl yesterday whose sister graduated from princeton and immediately moved to romania, where she now lives in a house with 7 orphans, whom she takes care of. all by herself.
think about that for a moment. could you do that? would you ever think about dropping everything, forgetting all your own silly hopes and dreams and living completely for others? others that you don't know, that don't love you, that might not even be grateful for you?
then this morning i had my interview for harvard. my interviewer was an older man, and he told me all about his daughter, who went to middlebury and now lives in Cairo and works for a legal aid society helping refugees from Darfur. coincidence? i don't know. but it's freaking me out. I thought maybe it was a sign of something (of what, who knows?).
then i heard something really surprising, which i am not going to go into right now. but it's enough to say it shocked me a little.
so i'm in an awe-struck mood. crazy things are happening, i tell you.