It's a New Year!

Jan 05, 2009 12:49

In 2009, onerover1 resolves to...
Admit my true feelings to mage_girl.
Keep my lost clean.
Give some weight watchers to charity.
Buy new desperate housewives.
Volunteer to spend time with babies.
Give up dating.

The above sounded appropriate to me.

I haven't been able to post for a while. My internet at home is down (due to lack of funds) and I'm not sure when I'll be able to fit it back into the budget. Other than that, things are going great.

I'm still seeing Michael. We have a few issues to work out, but he is a great communicator -unlike any other man I have ever met.

Christmas and New Year's Eve were wonderful. Now we are gearing up for Shelby's 4th birthday. I can't believe how grown up she is now.

I've been having some issues with my diabetes, but nothing too serious. My blood sugar has been dropping really low at night, which scares me to death. I have an appointment on Friday, so hopefully we will find some kind of workable solution.

My financial situation is not great, but steadily improving as I try and work out a livable budget. Once I get my taxes back and am able to catch up a few things I will be in a lot better shape . . well, I'll have less worry anyway.

I am feeling really good about 2009. Good things are going to happen!
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