(no subject)

Dec 08, 2008 08:11

I guess the holidays make us all a little weepy and sentimental. It's the commercials that get me. Especially those jewelry commercials where the guy surprises the girl with something sparkly and shiny. Not that I've ever been the gold and diamond type (I'm more sterling silver and moonstones), but I want that fairy tale kind of story.

I haven't mentioned this yet about Michael. I think I said he was divorced and that is not exactly true. He's been separated for a year, but the divorce isn't finalized. So even though I have this great guy for once, it doesn't quite have that fairy tale feel. Does that make sense?

Don't get me wrong. He treats me like a queen. I know he adores me. I have never met a more affectionate and considerate man. My love for him is growing every day.

I know his relationship with his ex is over. At first I was a little nervous about that, but have since been reassured. I know he is taking steps to figure out who he is and what direction his life is headed in now. These are things I've had 3 years to figure out, so even though we are both on different paths, we're headed in the same direction.

It's just another reminder that dating at our age is a whole new ballgame. We all come with a full set of baggage, including carry-ons.
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