(no subject)

Dec 05, 2008 13:32

I am exhausted and emotionally drained. My child WILL NOT SLEEP. I fall asleep before her almost every night. I know she's tired because she's yawning and twirling her hair, but she fights it like a gladiator. This week I have tried to start our bedtime routine earlier, cut out the t.v., nixed all late night snacks, and ignored all of her stalling techniques. It's not working. Instead I have laid in the dark listening to her whine and cry and flail about, while her little elbows and feet pummel my body until midnight. I. Am. At. The. End. Of. My. Rope.

Skipping out on a nap doesn't make any difference. Trying to wear her out by running or dancing doesn't work. In fact, the more I try to wear her down the more evil and crabby she gets. Then I have a difficult, bullheaded toddler awake until midnight - which is zero fun.

Today I called the pediatrician, because something has got to give. She gave me the green light to try 1 mg. of melatonin at bedtime to calm her down. I am convinced if I could get her to be still for five minutes she would crash out at a decent hour, but she is determined to keep moving.

I don't really like the idea of "drugging" my daughter, but am looking at this as a short term solution to hopefully getting her set on a different schedule.

Wish us luck. . ..
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