Jan 06, 2009 11:32
I meant to post over break, but I never got around to it. Oh well. I'll put up a quick post before I head off to lunch.
I pretty much did nothing other than knit, watch TV, and play video games for three weeks. It was lovely. The first week was almost entirely knitting and watching HGTV. I also cut off most of my hair, which hadn't been cut since Sept. 2007. I finally just got so annoyed with it that I had to chop it all off. It's much easier to deal with now. Also: less static! I went to the doctor a lot too. I'd been having daily headaches starting at the beginning of last semester, which wasn't normal, even though I tend to have frequent headaches. I had to get an MRI and get my eyes checked, but nothing turned up as a cause. I'm now on medication, but am supposed to wait three or four weeks to see if it really works. I sure hope so--my headaches got much worse over break (convincing me once and for all that they are not from stress).
Christmas was nice, I suppose. My mom's whole family came over for two straight days, which is an awful lot when there are two small boys who like nothing more than to beat on each other. It was kind of annoying, too, because no one needs anything anymore, so no one knows what to get people, and then everyone (especially my mom) starts to stress out about it. I wish we'd just stop doing presents all together or start drawing names or something.
But in any event, I'm back at school now, for Interim. I'm taking a history class on women in medieval Europe. It'll be interesting, though I think it will generally trend toward social history, which isn't really that interesting to me except in a contextual sense for individual stories. I'm also working at the library for 12 hours a week. It's kind of a lot, but I need the money. Also, since I work 5-8 three nights a week, I have an excuse to go to dinner at 4:30 and avoid people. I've also taken to going to lunch alone. Basically, this month is my opportunity to indulge my reclusive tendencies.
I'm still working on figuring out what I'm going to do after graduation. I have 5 months left. Hopefully I will use this month to get a few plans laid out. We shall see...