Imagination and Beauty

Jun 29, 2005 23:17

In its most raw form, creation is totally random and chaotic. A notion of quality is then required to differentiate the patterns that emerge from chaos. Within a sapient mind, imagination is the fundamental creation mechanism for thought-forms. At its deepest layer imagination is chaotic, and slightly above that is a subconscious layer that we could call intuition, which in this scenario is the part of our minds which first applies a notion of quality. We use our intuition to draw forth specific thought-forms from the limitless chaos of imagination. Imagination is the seed of Brahmic divinity within us.
Every thought-form can have one of two qualities: we can be either repelled away from it or drawn toward it. (For academic thoroughness, a thought-form can be neutral.) Fear is the best name to give this repulsion from negative thought-forms, and love is the best name to give to this attraction to positive thought-forms. When fear rules your life, your mind manifests and fixates upon negative thought-forms. When love rules your life, your mind manifests and fixates upon positive thought-forms. Fear is designed to move one away from a state of ugliness, and love is designed to move one towards a state of beauty. The problem with fear however is that it creates ugly thought-forms, and if the individual is not balanced with love then the only thought-forms that they are creating are ugly ones. Reality in a state ruled by fear becomes ugly. Reality in a state ruled by love becomes beautiful. The ugliness currently in our world can be traced to fear within human hearts. If you want to live in a beautiful world though, you will have to help create it by embracing love to make your inner world beautiful and radiating that beauty out into the outer world through the choices you make.
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