Jul 05, 2005 16:00
Anyway, I promise to post pictures of my next great epic adventure. I have been debating where I want to move to..... The plan is to take effect at the end of next summer. It's going to happen, I just feel it. IF not I will throw a tantrum and be unreasonable until it does.
It is either going to be
1. In the Valley.... like if you drive all the way down Topanga and then go past Vetura... You know between Ventura Blvd and the PCH.
2.Somewhere just past Santa Clarita.
3. Up North Close to SF (not my pick, I hate being cold, and if youre going to be in California and have to deal with jaded assholes, why not enjoy the weather)
4. Bayridge, BROOKLYN (personal favorite)
5. Arizona (Second choice)
6. New Mexico.
I can't decided. There are just so many things that weigh on making a decision. Like I love NY, I have friends there, there are like 69043725 billion vegan goodies so close by, there's the city.........
Arizona is cheap, I can have my home, focus on my boring career that I find so entertaining, I wouldn't have to work a job until I finished school. I could just be in school, have my own business.... and probably end up being an accountant......
Everything else involves Jason to whether we leave California... and New Mexico has everything to do with Todd convincing him that it's a good idea.
Maybe I'll go over the Real Estate. I do have my license. I could always get my license in AZ.... How easy would that be?