Oct 10, 2005 10:17
heh, no guilt obviously doesn't work well for me, cos i've left this next essay until the last minute - as always - and it's now 3 days late. care factor is alarmingly low though, i must say. i figure i have 40 days (FORTY DAYS!!!!!!!!) until i leave for the States, and i just don't have the function within me to focus on the new car i'm organising, visa paperwork (how can such a little word, visa, entail so much pain and terror?), keeping my household running (cos Mel's fallen off the deep end of financial woes leaving me to pays all the utilities) AND uni work. just ain't possible. so c'est la vie. what does c'est la vie mean exactly? it's not really my forte to use foreign words out of context - i'd just as soon not use them at all - but i like to have a dabble every now and again, dip my toe in the sweet pool of ignorance and test the waters... i do remember there was a song quite a few years back by a suprememly annoying girl-pop group called c'est la vie, but they weren't French either and they got away with using it. though that point is arguable.
i have new jeans! and they're coooooool.
yep. that's pretty much all i've got. i've been pondering the meaning of life a little over these past few days, though to be honest the meaning of life is not really a stimulating conversation piece unless it's accompanied by fine wine and some blues, so i'll leave that subject alone.
so. how goes it in lj land? christ i'm bored. might be coffee o'clock...yes, it is, and i have an appointment with a latte that i can't bear to miss.
arigato. fuck. wait. sensei...konichiwa... ahHA! sayonnara!