Nov 19, 2008 18:20
My day so far:
Tootsie pops--check.
Twizzlers, assorted flavors--check.
Fluffy pillows--check.
TV remote--check.
I thought it might be a STOOPID thing to try to quit smoking when I'm recovering from surgery. Then again, for me there will never be a "good" time because, like any addict, I always have an excuse. I can't quit when I'm working because I'm under too much stress. I can't quit when I'm home because I like to smoke when I write. The stress of work outweighs my stress at home, so I figured it's smarter to do this when I don't have people screaming obscenities at me. Besides, I'd already gone TWO DAYS without smoking in the hospital--how retarded would it be to start up again?
I saw my broken up cigarettes in the wastebasket (thanks, Beth) and almost cried.
I found a stray one on my dresser and quickly smashed that one, too.
Things got hairy around 3 p.m. so I broke down and slapped on a nicotine patch (tho as old as these are they might be expired). Last time I used them I got muscle twitches + very little sleep because of the wild and crazy dreams. So far no twitches (because they're expired, lol?). We'll see what kind of dreams I have tonight.
I also spent 14 bucks on Tootsie pops and Twizzlers. My guilt at blowing so much money on candy was tempered by the realization that 14 bucks doesn't even cover three packs of Carlton Menthol 100's.
One objection: BLUE TOOTSIE POPS????? Ewwwwwwww! These things are disgusting, ugh, ptoo, ptooeey!