C&C App take two

Mar 27, 2011 20:46

NAME: Calai'di
AGE: 20.
JOURNAL: calaidi
IM: AIM: calaidi
E-MAIL: calaidi@yahoo.com
RETURNING: 1; Kyosuke Kiryu

FANDOM: The Dark is Rising (series)
CHRONOLOGY: Just after arriving in Wales in the fifth book, Silver on the Tree.
CLASS: Hero, although he'll need some persuading to "interfere in the affairs of men"
ALTER EGO: Will Stanton, student & choir boy

The Dark is Rising series is about the battle between the Light and the Dark and the quest of the Light to gather everything they need to win in the end. It focuses in particualar around Will Stanton and Merriman Lyon.

In the world of TDiR, there are three kind of magic in the world: the High Magic, which is the most powerful; the Wild Magic, the magic of emotion and most closely tied to the earth, and the Old Magic, elemental magic which is divided into the Light and the Dark. Those born as beings of the Light are called Old Ones. The Old Ones and those of the Dark have access to all three types of magic, but the only magic they can use innately is the Old Magic; the rest they have to ask permission to use.

Will Stanton is the last and youngest of the Old Ones. He learns of his true heritage and destiny on his eleventh birthday. It is his task to gather the six Signs and link them together. Another Old One gives him one the the Signs, the Sign of Iron, as a brthday present. He gets the next one, the Sign of Bronze, a couple days later from the Walker, who had been charged with carrying it until the right moment as punishment for betraying the Light. He gains the Sign of Wood, or Sign of Learning, on Christmas Eve and, along with it, all the knowledge of the Old Ones and the different Magicks.

It is then that he finds out the story of the Walker; the Walker had once been Hawkin, Merriman's liege man, but Merriman accidentally made it seem as if Hawkin's life was of no importance. Hawkin betrayed the Light and went to the Dark, and he had to carry the Sign of Bronze through the ages as punishment.

The next day, Christmas, brings with it an attack from the Dark. First, the Black Rider of the Dark visits Will during Christmas breakfast, supposedly to drop off a present from his father than hadn't been finished on time. Last, the Dark makes a try to take Will just after the church service. The attack is driven off with the help of the Signs, and the fourth, the Sign of Stone, appears.

For the next twelve days, the Dark gains strength and unleashes a horrible winter storm over southern Britain. Eventually, it gets so bad that the whole village is encouraged to move into the nearby manor for a time, to keep warm and stay safe. One of those moved in is the Walker, who chooses to call in the Dark with him. But the Dark is once again forced back, and the Light gains the fifth Sign, the Sign of Fire. And with the Sign of Fire, they gain the power to stop the snow and warm up the land.

The Dark tries again to get the Signs, this time by using Will's sister as a hostage. However, Merriman gets his sister to safety and Will manages to get the last Sign, the Sign of Water. The Dark unleashes one final attack at the height of their power. The Light is able to call on Herne the Hunter and his Wild Hunt to drive them away and to the edges of time. The circle of Signs is completed, and Will is able to rest until it is time to find the next Thing of Power.

Earlier that year, Merriman had helped in the finding of another Thing of Power, the Trewissick Grail. The grail is stolen sometime in March by a minion of the Dark. Will joins three other children, Simon, Jane, and Barney Drew, in Cornwall over Easter Holidays to help find it. The same week as their holidays ends up also being the week with the making of the Greenwitch, a ghastly structure made in the dark of the night and later given to the ocean as an offering. The Greenwitch itself is a servant of the Wild Magic and vaguely childish.

They soon discover that the Greenwitch is in possession of the only document that can help them decipher what was written on the grail. Of course, the Dark is aware of this as well, which was why they stole the grail in the first place. However, Greenwitch treats the document as a precious treasure and is almost completely unwilling to give it up. Almost unwilling, because she does in the end. The Dark tries to take the "secret" by force, whereas the Light uses logic, compassion, and friendship to persuade her to give it up. The Dark is driven back once more, the Light takes back the grail, and they manage to translate the words written on the grail--a poem that tells Will what to do while seeking the other two Things of Power.

That October, Will falls almost deathly ill. He manages to recover, but he forgets what he is and everything that comes with it, except for a few flashes of lines from the poem. Once he's mostly recovered, he's sent to Wales to convalesce with a few relatives at Clwyd Farm.

For the first couple days, he wanders around, trying to make sense of the bits of poem still vaguely in his mind. The he runs into a boy, Bran Davies, who lives with his father on will's uncle's farm, and Bran's dog. His memories return, and he's able to do his quest properly, along with Bran's help. And that quest is to find the golden harp and awaken the Sleepers, as dictated in the poem.

It isn't easy. The owner of the neighboring farm, Caradog Prichard, believes that a few of the dogs from Clwyd have been killing his sheep. During one of the many times this is argued about, a fire starts on farm. As they help try to put it out, the fire ends up forcing Will and Bran higher and higher on the mountain until the end up at a specific crack in the rock that they had to enter to get to the harp. After passing a few trials to determine whether they were the right ones for the quest, and passing another test to make sure they were worthy of it, they win the harp from the High Magic.

The victory is short lived. First, the Grey King, one of the most powerful Lords of the Dark and one who made his home in that particular area of Wales, tries to blast Will and Bran out of existence as soon as they leave the cave. The harp protects them from that. But then, the Grey King sends a few of his fox servants to lead Bran's dog back to Prichard's farm and make it look like the dog was after the sheep. Prichard shoots him dead. After that, Bran wants nothing to do with the Light's quest.

However, Will goes on. In an effort to save the other dog that was accused, Will goes with John Rowlands to visit another farm for the day, taking the dog with them to leave him the for a few days. That other farm is right by the lake where the Sleepers were supposed to lie. Of course, the Grey King would not give up so easily. He employs Prichard into his service and sends him after the dog, hoping to distract Will long enough that he would miss his opportunity. Even when Bran comes to help, the Grey King tries to exert his influence of bran to keep him from helping. All that happens, however, is Bran learning of his true heritage as the son of King Arthur, brought forward in time by Guinevere and Merriman.

Will, John Rowlands, Bran, and Bran's father all stand up against Prichard, giving Will enough time to play the harp to wake the Sleepers. Enraged, the Grey King tries once more to hurt Bran, but ends up driving Prichard mad instead. With no hope of accomplishing anything more, the Grey King gives up his battle and retreats.

About nine months later, the Dark shows signs of starting their final rise. Will gets invited back to Clwyd Farm for the summer holidays, and the Drew trio end up in the nearby town of Tywyn on vacation with their parents. The Light, of course, arranged everything so they would all be in the right place to, together with Bran and Merriman, finally find and take possession of the last Thing of Power, a crystal sword, and be at the right place at the right time to defeat the Dark and drive them out of Time itself.

Will is the youngest in a very close-knit family of eleven, and is, in many respects, just an average twelve-year-old-boy. In general, he's a little quiter than most people around him, and a little more thoughtful, but he'll still tease his siblings and friends and complain goodnaturedly about his large family and school. Even before learning his true nature as an Old One, he had a strong sense of justice and fairness, and he'll still often act on it as a boy rather than an Old One. He's very friendly and easily makes friends with most people. He's very fond of music, especially singing, and is in his local church's choir and he'll often just sing for the fun of it, or use spells that need to be sung instead of just spoken. He's also fond of history and learning about people and places in general. And in general, to anyone unaware, he seems completely unremarkable, if a little more mature than other kids his age.

But he's definitely not just a twelve-year-old boy, though he usually tries to keep up the act around anyone who doesn't know his true nature. Will the Old One is confident, collected, and even a little cold. He's definitely like a man who's seen much in his time and knows there's still more to see and do where his wisdom will be very useful. And Will is wise, though not nearly as much as his master, since he's only been an Old One for a fraction of the time they have. But he has the determination needed to complete his quests with little difficulty, and that's what matters, at least as far as he and the Light are concerned.

As an Old One, he's there to protect humainty from the Dark and to eventually defeat the Dark and then wach over man until he isn't needed anymore, but he isn't meant to interfere with the affairs of men, even when they seem evil. And he more often looks to the end result and the impact of man as a whole before considering the individuals who might get hurt along the way. He doesn't always succeed with that, since his is still just twelve, but it can still make him seem cold and uncaring at times. But when it comes to the forces of the Dark, or even evil men when he's just forgetting himself, he won't stand for injustices and will do anything possible to stop them from happening.

Canon Powers:

First, he has access to the Old Magic, the magic of the Light and the Dark. All beings of the Light and Dark are "loosely placed in Time", so Will can travel through time as he chooses, take people and animals out of time for as long as he needs (which, in effect, seems like starting or stopping time to the people affected), and see visions of the past, sometimes transposed over what's happening in his current time. He can also sutbly affect the elements (he's not nearly powerful enough to do something like creating a storm out of the blue or stopping one, but he can do things like cause a fire out of nowhere or make it so he can breathe underwater like a fish) except for running water, which cannot be affected by any magic. Some of his magic he can just will into being, such as swimming like a fish, but most of it requires a spell to use, and many spells can only be used once. Many spells are spell of protection or prevention, since the Light is charged with stopping the Dark. And most spells last for only a short time or must be ended by the one who cast them and are cast in the language of the Old Ones, the Old Speech.

His nature as an Old One also gives him several mind-related abilities: telepathy with other Old Ones and the ability to overheard regular men's thoughts, the ability to erase memories, and a sense of the nature of the people around him, i.e. whether they're connected to the Dark or the Light or if they're something else altogether.

He's also immortal in the sense that he can't be killed and will never technically die, but he can still get sick and injured like any other person, and he has to heal at the same rate as the average person too.

City Powers:

Since Will is one of the weaker old Ones to begin with, he'll still have most of his magic. He will lose the ability to travel through time or see visions of other times and to overhear other peoples' thoughts. He also won't be immortal, although it will be difficult to kill him.

But otherwise, since Will pretty much doesn't use his abilities unless his absolutely has too and even then he usually can't do much, he'll have his magic and mind-powers.

I have a permissions post for his powers and overall being here.


I've played him before. Here's a link to his old posts.

LOGS POST (THIRD PERSON) SAMPLE: The park was fairly quiet, for being in the middle of such a huge city. He could hear a few cars, but most of the city noise was muffled and easily ignored. With the trees and other vegetation, he could almost pretend he was back home. He couldn't completely, since the trees were different, and the air was different, but almost. This park was certainly going to become one of his favorite places here.

There was even a small pond ahead. Will thought back to the last body of water he'd spent any amount of time near. Tal y Lyn. Llyn Mwyngil. The pleasant lake.

His arm ached for a moment and his grabbed it with his other hand. He still hadn't recovered completely from the fall he'd taken by the lake. He almost worried about what his mother would think if he came home injured, then he worried that his mother would go to the station and find no one there, because he was here now, but then the Old One in him reminded him that no matter how far into the future he ended up, he could always go back to the proper time.

Or could he?

Will dropped his hand and walked over to one of the benches around the pond. Old One or not, he suddenly felt like sitting down.

He couldn't use all his powers here. The first thing he'd done as soon as he'd found himself in the teleporter room was to call on the Doors to take him home. They didn't appear. That alone was unnerving. He'd reached out with his mind to find another old One, and only encountered people similar to them or people who had the capacity to hear such speech, but no one like him. No one of the Dark either, although there were certainly a few he wondered about.

Then, of course, he didn't necessarily need the Doors to move between time and place, so he simply tried stepping into another time, like Merriman had helped him do before. That didn't work either. At that point, he hadn't really expected it to.

He still had most of his magic. He'd tried taking someone outside time and that had worked. He could still call out in silent speech to those who could hear it. But he couldn't go home.

Oh, Merriman, he thought glumly. If you were here, you'd know what to do.

As for why he'd been brought here...

Will pushed up his sleeve and absently traced a scar on his forearm.

He was supposed to be a hero. A superhero. Like in the comics James read sometimes. But while he didn't doubt he had the "super" part don't, he couldn't be a hero. He was an Old One. It wasn't his place. As much as it hurt him to stand back at times, he had to. He could interfere in the affairs of men. It wasn't the way.

Although, there were so many similar to him here...

He let his sleeve drop again and gazed back out onto the water. There were so many similar to him here, he might be able to help after all.

app, ooc

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