
Mar 02, 2010 15:11

1) Will is an Old One, a being of the Light and Old Magic who is "loosely placed in time."  He's been called a wizard in canon, but he's definitely more of a metaphysical being.  He can sense other metaphysical beings, although whether it's only in person or not depends on how powerful they are, and they can sense him in turn.  Anyone who's human but can sense that stuff can sense him too.

Also, he can tell if a metaphysical type is more associated with the Light (good guys) or the Dark (bad guys) or the High/Wild Magic (vague ~unknowness~).  So please let me know if your character would seem more good, bad, or ~who knows~.

2) He has limited telepathy; he can't talk to just anyone, it has to be someone else telepathic or one of the aforementioned metaphysical types.

3) As a being loosely placed in time, Will can affect it.  He can't move through time anymore, but he can stop and start it, either for everyone or just one or two people.  Technically, it's taking the affected persons outside of time, but it comes to the same thing.  There are times when he's the only one who can break the spell, but there's also times when anyone powerful enough with the right abilities can break it.  He doesn't use this power often, though, so this probably won't come up much.

However, he can also tell when other people use a time-based power.  He can't tell who and can only get a general sense of what, but he'll definitely know if something's happened.

So, if you have a character who applies to any of this, please let me know!

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