Oct 14, 2004 19:36
my birthday party was super fun. my dad and his girfriend took me shopping for food and drinks at sam's club. then we put up halloween decorations and cleaned a bit for the party. not as many people showed as i thought, but it was still cool. my friend matty got me a big vat of brie cheese. what a goofball. i got a lot of cool stuff. after the party my sister and i went bowling. i won with a low crappy score of 128.
sunday was my aunt's surprise birthday party. she was late because she was watching a movie. i thought that was pretty funny. saw all of my cousins and met some of her coworkers. they say she talks about me a lot which is cool. we made plans to go on a cross country ski trip. i guess i'll have to learn how to do that. i could always snowboard while they ski. we'll see.
schools been pretty crazy this week. i'm really behind in arch drafting. i bombed my economics test, like i thought i would, i passed my first math test, and i got a 95 on my essay for communications. so a few ups and a few downs. there's always room for improvement though.
this weekend is going to be nuts. thank god i have all of my homework done for next week.
my friends wedding is this saturday. i'm the maid of honor. it feels like its taken forever to get this show on the road. i'm nervous but i'm excited too. i didn't write a speech. i decided that i'm just going to wing it. so wish me luck. i got all the finishing touches done this week. they want to borrow my easel for pictures, so i picked that up. got a cool photo of them enlarged and put it in an outdoorsy frame like love. got my nails done today.
tomorrow is rehearsal so i have to make sure i have nice clothes packed because i'm going straight there from work. i'm not sure if i'll give them the picture tomorrow or if i should wrap it and give it to them at the wedding. i got them a card with money too. i'll figure it out tomorrow.
have to get up super early on saturday for hair and makeup. then the wedding is at 2. my friend josh from work is going to be my date. it should be fun.
i made a last minute decision. my friend linda asked me if i wanted to go to the bahamas a long time ago and i kept telling her no i couldn't do it. well someone cancelled on her and i told her if i could find a cheap enough flight i would go with her. i found a flight for two hundred. the rest of the trip is free besides spending money. so i'm going to the bahamas this weekend too. i leave on sunday morning. i'll be back next friday! how cool is that? i don't have a lot of money so i can't buy everyone souvenirs, but if you want some sand or a special rock or shell i can do that. i'll just get a giant bag of them and have everyone pick.
just a side note, typing with fake nails is really difficult. i've written two papers so far today and now this. i've never had them before so this is a weird experience!