May 02, 2005 23:41
i've realized tonight, while chatting with Erin, that I am really just not cool. Witty on rare occasions, and very friendly (in a pathetic sort of way) but really not cool at all. I seem to just get on people's nerves no matter what i do. Oh well. I guess I'm simply destined to irritate. Ugh. This has grown so nauseatingly self pitying that I'm irritating myself. Have you ever noticed that self destructive need people have to know all the unpleasant things people think about them? I suppose we hope that we can convince them otherwise if we only knew what it was about us that makes people want to make fun of us to other people right to our faces. Erk. Enough of this silly twaddle. I feel like one of those homeschooler obnoxious know it alls. You know, the really smart ones that are so socially inept it's mind boggling? Yeah, like that. I've sort of realized that I'm sort of the most disliked person in class. I have an inimitable ability to talk too much, and say the stupidist things while doing so. Perhaps I should put this talent to use, go into politics. Follow in the footsteps of the current president. Ook, end of that line of thought. Okay, bad! Bad Glenna! Bad! No more whining! Bad bad bad!! Fuck it. Fuck them, or whatever. The most irritating thing about being irritating is that I like everyone. It wouldn't be so rough if I didn't like them. Raaghe! Bad Glenna! End journal entry now, before you keep going! Retreat! Fuck!