The WTF first I guess. I went to reply to a comment on a post and saw
this. I have no idea what this is, strange.
I put six bags of garbage out last night on the curb for pick up this morning. My personal garbage was less than half a bag. The rest was all junk and garbage picked up from around the apartment property. The sad part is, this was barely half the junk that someone left lying out last week that the garbage men wouldn't take because it wasn't in bags. I sent a text to my housing coordinator to have the dude who's in charge of the property since the owner/landlords moved away. Hopefully she can get him to do a better job of picking up garbage than he did cleaning the sidewalks of snow this winter.
I woke up starving this morning and mentally ran through the groceries I picked up yesterday. Nothing seemed appealing so I dragged myself out of bed to actually look at the stuff. Opened the cupboard, meh. Opened the freezer, meh. Opened the fridge, meh. Closed the fridge then opened it again when my brain actually processed what I had been looking at. Turkey Kalbassa! I forgot I picked some up yesterday. I forgot the cream cheese but I did pick up some Cheese Whiz. Not as good as cream cheese and kalbassa, but still yummy. Then I turned to where I sit and realized I still had a bag of chips. Ketchup Doritos (yes, that's a thing in Canada. It's supposed to be a Limited Edition flavour but they've been out since before Xmas). I am happy and no longer starving.
Last night it was thundering and lightning. I normally love thunder storms. Especially after living out West for so long. They just don't get storms out West like they do here. Of course, here the storms are spectacular because of the location (nestled sweetly in the little dip between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, not too far from Niagara Falls). But, I had a headache. Loud noises and flashes of light are not fun with a headache. Still, once it calmed down to just rain, there's nothing as sweet as falling asleep to the sound of falling rain. Today is WINDY. I just watched someone's garbage can fly down the middle of the street outside. This means, my building's garbage cans are probably gone too, but I refuse to be the one chasing them down. As seeing I'm the only one who actually puts the garbage cans out to the curb and brings them back in, I'm sick of doing it. Of course, I'm also the only one who doesn't just dump the garbage all over the place (see garbage rant above). I love windy days. I love just standing in the wind and letting it blow away all the icky feelings and cleanse my soul.
Ok, question time Charis (hopefully you're still reading this). Someone *coughChariscough* reminded me that another certain someone *coughMeepcough* has a birthday coming up. I kinda already knew this from the LJ auto reminders, but it made me think of birthday presents. Which made me think of a birthday present I still haven't completed (although I have some stuff written, just not completed like all my other writing....sigh).
So, Charis, I need to ask if it's okay if I cheat. I have the person written but not named yet so is it alright if I name the person and use the next part (maybe end of the story, maybe not) as one of my alphabet challenge letters? Either way, it will get written and finished, I promise, but yeah :)