Mar 27, 2015 14:14
I ran into my neighbour last night as I was taking out the garbage and recycling. He seemed surprised to see the amount of recycling I had. I had one bag of plastic/metal/glass and one bag of paper stuff. The only reason I had a full bag of paper was because I was finally getting rid of some boxes that had been cluttering up my place. Then he noticed my amount of garbage. He was shocked that I had about half a grocery bag full of actual trash. I don't know why I mentioned it, but I told him that the stuff I had was actually two weeks worth of garbage and recycling. I thought he was going to fall over from shock.
He asked me how I ended up with so little trash. I didn't know what to tell him. After all, it's not like I go to any effort to control my garbage amounts. I just recycle everything I can. I explained that I used to live on a small island where every bag of garbage cost $2 to get rid of (and that's if you drove it to the dumpster, if you had your garbage picked up it was $3.50 a bag) and so I got used to recycling everything and anything I could.
That seemed to make sense to him but he was still shaking his head as he walked away. I don't think my amount of garbage (or lack thereof) is so shocking. Of course, I find the fact that him and his wife often have two full large bags of garbage a week pretty ridiculous. I wonder if he'll start recycling more now.
Anywho, anyone know how I can get rid of a gremlin? I tried the "go outside at night, open your arms and close your eyes" thing but that didn't work (and yes that is stolen from someone's story but I don't remember whose).
As soon as I got my car working, my computer mouse broke. I, luckily, have an older finicky mouse still or else I'd be stuck with no mouse until the first. Which would suck. Big time. I hate the little pad that laptops have. And, I wouldn't be able to play any games.
So yeah, if anyone knows how to appease a gremlin, let me know.
real life,