[Some broken filters appear on the journals briefly. With Melanie off on a mission and Mikage gone, Kurt was really hoping for someone to hang out with. At first he tries a filter for Flynn- but it's broken. So he tries to do the same to Rapunzel, to ask about Flynn, but that has the same result. Thus leaving Kurt without two of his best bros in
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She needs a minute to process this. Fortunately, she'll probably get it before Kurt appears.]
... why do the vending machines have to be on the second floor.]
Hey. You alive?
Right now? I don't quite feel like it. Ask me tomorrow.
I think I overdid it.
[For once it's just laying there droopy and sad.]
C'mon. Up ya go. Or else you'll be jelly for the next two days.
Three swords only seem cool until you have to carry them around everywhere.
Seem pretty cool when you're wackin' everything in sight, too.
Oh, that? I guess that was alright. It only works in there, though. I couldn't do it with a team, which makes it pretty pointless.
[It's easy to zip around half-blind when everyone around him is a target to be killed. But if it was around comrades? And enemies that he's only trying to disable? He can't imagine ever being that good.]
An' two months ago, did ya think you'd be doin' that as well as ya are? Ya never know what'll happen if ya keep pushin' it.
[Which, note, she is not advocating one way or the other. But in the swamps, when they were fighting on the last day and separated? Yeah. Worst day of her life. She feels better knowing you're able to go all tornado on people.]
Yeah, maybe. It's just not easy to pay attention to who and what you're fighting when moving that fast.
A beacon? What kind of beacon?
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