Oct 04, 2006 15:50
Closest red thing to you?: paint brush
Last thing to make you angry?: customers
Do you have a temper?: Sometimes.
Are you a fan of romance?: too much so
Closest orange thing to you?: gold fish cracker
Do you like to burn things?: Yes.
Dress up for Halloween?: duh
Are you a warm hearted person?: Yes.
Do you have anything against ginger hair?: No.
Are you full of energy right now?: never.
Closest yellow thing to you?: butter
The happiest time[s] of your life?: Id have to say the day my son was born
Favourite holiday?: halloween
What makes you smile?: chocolate.
Are you a coward?: sometimes
Do you burn or tan?: tan baby
Closest green thing to you?: porcelain face
Do you care about the environment?: Yes.
Are you jealous of anyone right now?: very
Are you a lucky person?: Y not very
Do you always want what you can't have?: I always want something I can't have.
Do you like being outdoors?: Ja.
Closest blue thing to you: jewelery box
Are you good at calming people down?: Yes.
Do you like the sea?: Yes.
Last thing to make you cry?: life
Are you a logical thinker?: I am either perfectly logical or perfectly illogical. Never in between.
Can you sleep easily?: no
Closest purple thing to you?: dinner lollies bought for gifts
Do you like mysterious things?: Yes.
Ever met anyone in royalty?: yes a dutchess and a countess
Are you creative?: useful moreso than creative
Closest pink thing to you?: my sweater.
Do you like sweet foods?: Yes.
Like play-fighting?: yea
Are you sensitive?: Yes.
Closest white thing to you?: tmobile box
Would you say you're innocent?: No.
Always try to keep the peace?: Yes.
How do you imagine your wedding?: at this point i try to forget i should have one.
Do you like to play in the snow?: No.
Are you afraid of going to the doctors or dentists?: Yes.
Name the closest black thing to you?: my purse
Ever enjoy hurting people?: No.
Are you sophisticated or silly?: Alternately both.
Afraid of death?: No.
Would you like to go to space?: yeah
Sup #1....
2. What was your most recent vacation? palm springs
3. What did you do at your last birthday party? never had one
4. Ever have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes.
5. What did you have for lunch today? burrito over nuked
6. How's school going for you? done over ten years
7. How do you feel about your physical appearance? eek
8. Do you stereotype? I try not to.damn emo kids
9. What's your favorite TV show? csi
10. Do you have an Incredibles phone? No.
11. What color are your eyes? brown with blue ring around them
12. Are you watching TV? No.
13. Do you like black and white pictures or color? Both, definitely.
14. What colors do you like to wear? Black mostly. purple and pink too
15. Do you own any American Girl dolls? Never.
16. Have you seen The 40-Year-Old Virgin? yes and i know a 36 year old one
17. If so, what did you think? ---he should have kept waxing
18. Do you watch Tyra? who is tyra
19. Do you read the dictionary for fun? Yes.
20. How much homework do you get? none.
21. Do you like Campbell's soup? No.
22. Do you eat crackers with soup? I have.
23. What's the craziest costume you ever wore for Halloween? i was elvira
24. Do you like the smell of candles? Yes.
25. Are you a virgin? No.
26. If so, are you going to wait until you're married? No.
27. Are you listening to music right now? Yes.
28. What's the last song you listened to? this time youve gone to far..no idea the artist
29. What are you thinking about right now? sex with a stranger....any takers
30. Are your parents still together? Yes.
31. Do you watch House?yeah
32. Do you hang out with friends alot? Yes.
33. What's the last movie you've seen? barn yard
34. Have you ever been in a car accident? no
35. How do you feel about 9/11? The true tragedy has been forgotten by those unaffected and instead the event has been used as a vague concept to control people and silence them when they want to oppose invading small countries.
36. What computer games do you like to play?: too many
37. Do you sleep with a night light? No.
38. Do you chew gum alot? No.
39. Do you play guitar? Sometimes.
40. How long have you had an xanga? i got rid of that with pennicillin didnt i
41. How did you come up with the username? it fits me.
42. What does your username mean? Nothing.
42. Have any inside jokes with friends? Yes.
43. Do you have a walk-in closet? Yes.
44. How do you feel about guys wearing makeup? Fine.
45. Are you wearing a jacket right now? No.
46. When's the last time you been sick? A few months ago.
47. Have you ever dumped someone/turned someone down? Yes.
48. Who is your biggest crush right now? chris
49. Are you in a feud with someone right now? Yes.
50. Do you have a myspace?: Yes.