The grass here, so green. It is a a plentiful springtime. The sky above has been kind in its dispersion of moisture. Sweet... the water is sweet... the grass is sweet... the air... I swat absentmindedly at insects with my tail as I chew and reflect on the calm I have found. Grass springs back from beneath my hooves as I trot along. Peaceful. Tranquil. Drifting. Letting go of worry. Or. Disturbance. Do I? Sound? Sound! Movement! Watching. Fearful. Frozen. It approaches. Reflex!Instinct!Survival! I run! Bound away from this new thing. This creature. A sting? This beast unlike any other. It stops? I, continue. Bounding... Bounding... New feeling... Lethargy? I am walking now... Survival? Is. Secondary. To. Sleep...
(Refrain)Leaping over and through, mountains, sky. Prancing across endless, lush, green. I am part of the herd, we are one. We leap into infinite...*
(Resume) Awakened! Awakened? Nothing. No. Darkness. Lethargic. I am, here, where I... did I, fall? Yes. Night has settled over me. A dream? Certainly not. Test the extremities... still intact, still functioning. Stand(ing is always so hard for me). I feel, unbalance, minor unbalance. Slight pain from my ear. I've been TAGGED! It probes me, it relays personal information to an automated computer mind thousands of miles away. It pulls at, auditory memories, the fond ones. It lays them bare before, everyone.
List five songs that you currently like. It doesn't matter what genre they are, whether they have words or even if they're any good but they must be songs you're really enjoying right now. Then tag five other people to see what they're listening to.
And those songs, in no particular order are:
- dredg - Of The Room
- the Scabs - Hanging Out With the Horny Girls
- A Perfect Circle - The Noose
- The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion - Mean Heart
- si sé - I Want You To...
I will tag five more when and if I find my herd.
Long Days and Pleasant Nights