Jun 16, 2005 05:08
Infinite Realities Beckon... Unseen unnoticed logic decrees that when we wake, this bundle of sensory perceptions constitutes our reality. Acceptance follows, life continues. Taking in the lot of it, day by day, filing it away into the endless hard drive of the human mind. Consciousness slips away and mental filing cabinets ease open, emptying onto the endless plane of thought, and like being born again we are cast into this new jumble of perplexities and sensory assault. Unfamiliar thoughts images and ideas settle in next to each other, and begin to bleed together. The filters fall away, reality gives way to unreality, dream manifests. New roles, new rules, new senses, altered acceptance. Not unlike Alice, not "where am I," but "here I am." The realm which most closely approaches the idea of endless possibility lays open to us. Time need not be taken as a logical series of events, series of events need not be logical. Swirling, ever changing, never quite coalescing, the dreamscape obliterates all understood notions of us and the roles we assume in the daily play of humanity. Perhaps it's a window into the collective, perhaps one day we will finally find each other there. Until that time, in which we come to terms with our nocturnal wanderlust, I'd like to express a curiosity brought about by dearest Elaine. What are the unique experiences of dream? I invite all acquaintances, friends, and relations thereof to share stories of dream here in a single forum where they can be widely viewed and considered. Hail dream as more than chance, perhaps even as unintentional art. Express experiences however feels comfortable, and post as frequently as is possible. Ease curiosity, accept gratitude.
Long Days and Pleasant Nights