It has been something like FOREVER since I last posted. I'VE BEEN MEANING TO, I SWEAR. =|
First things first.
Oh. My. God. Capell and Martel are so adorable I might die of it. I'm not even kidding. =| But Mithos is being a pain in the butt and hating on Capell. Honestly, OOC, I'm kinda having fun with this whole IC drama mess, since Luceti is pretty chilled out when there's not an event going, but IC, Martel is all kinds of a mess over this. I've got a sharp eye on Capell and Mithos's little talk. Either of the two ways it could go from here are gonna be fun. ♥
Oh, and on another Martel note, how does she end up making the weird friends? First she got her BFF JENOVA, then all of a sudden Yazoo's stalking her for scientific inquery or whatever and she has him in for tea. rofl
Lulu. Oh Lulu. She's back from the Malnosso, mute for a week, and absolutely depressed. Why? Yuna went home. =/ I wish she wasn't dropped, personally, because that Yuna was the best I've seen and finally gave Lulu a purpose. Trap, you need to tag back so Angeal can cheer her up. D:
Angel FINALLY got a cast. I mean, the Connor never ended up posting again, which is gonna be a bummer for him, but Spike is still awesome, and now we've got BUFFY AND FAITH, HECK YES. I had concerns about Buffy (not because I didn't like this one, because I so do, but because I was pretty attached to
likeajoan after she and Angel interacted on Dear Mun. Buuut now I adore her~. And Faith was totally unexpected, but is amazing too.
I dropped Sync. I just... couldn't do anything with him. Well, I could, but it just wasn't working.
But I picked up Demyx, which has been awesome so far. :D He needs more friends, though. Badly. Then again, so does Lulu.
On other RP-related news, I was talked into taking Jack Sparrow to
taxonomites. This oughtta be good.
Jae? Log into AIM more. =| I miss you.