It was almost dawn by the time I reached the safety of the lobby of the block of flats I’d been staying in. Seemed I’d stopped giving a toss about getting home before the nasty sun these days, not like I had anything to go home to save a bottle of Jack and early morning bloody telly shows. Which were worse now, than they’d ever been; Passions had
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I heard his voice and my head shot up, my mouth wouldn't dare speak till I moved inside. I made my way slowly past him and the draw of him so close to me made me burn more then the sun ever would.
Licking my lips I pulled my jacket off, leaving me in a pair of tight jeans and a Vneck shirt that was cut way too low and clung to my body much to tightly. "I..."
My voice started to fail me and I could feel emotions that I haven't felt since before I died, since before I lost my soul consume me. I brushed my soaked hair from my face and looked at him, everything I wanted to say was in the only word I could muster. "Spike."
Coulda bloody dropped me a line once or twice though.
I watched as she pulled off her coat, revealing her luscious body barley concealed by tight, wet clothes. God, only she could make me horny and pissed off at the same time and I spent a moment wondering if I should just shag her senseless right here or make her suffer for a while. Make her suffer the way she’d made me suffer over the last five years.
“Still my name, love,” I said, walking past her and picking up my fags. I tapped one out and clasped it between my teeth before lighting it and taking a drag. “Although it’s been a while, kinda surprised you remembered,” I said bitterly.
I tapped out another one and offered it to her.
“So how’s your wonderful boy, then? How’s Lindsey?”
Maybe I was sorer about this that I thought I was?
"I wouldn't know." I muttered moving over to him and standing barely two feet away. It still felt like miles and I hated that, I didn't want that anymore. "He's far from..." I shut my mouth and decded to smoke in quiet, my eyes moving over his form and I started to remember every good thing that we ever had. Every good feeling he gave me and all I knew was that I wanted him, I needed him and I would do anything for him.
"Couldn't forget." I murmured, answering his previous snarky statement about me forgetting his name. "Even after you never answered not one of the hundreds of letters I sent. Maybe I just shouldn't have bothered, you were most likely too busy picking out a new bed mate." I felt the anger rise inside me and I looked around. "So, who's the new whore?" He had to have one, that's how he worked. Spike never spent time alone.
Well that was interesting, wasn’t it? Maybe they’d had a falling out and she’d come to her senses. Yeah, or maybe they’d had a falling out and she’d decided to come back to her back up option. Stupid, pussy-whipped bloody Spike.
"So, who's the new whore?"What was she? Jealous? I smiled a little. I kinda liked that… never really had her be jealous before ( ... )
My heart sank and I took a deep drag on my smoke, wondering if I made a mistake on coming back here. Maybe I was better off with Angelus' abuse while Lindsey ran around and did whatever he felt he needed to do. It was usually not me and I hate to admit it.
“But the problem was I compared ‘em all to you. And they didn’t last too long after that,”I felt myself start to shake as he moved closer to me, moving hair from my face as he told me he compared them to me. I opened my mouth to speak but with his arm wrapped around me and his hand on my lower back all ability to speak left me ( ... )
He pushed me away and I felt my heart sink. Even without a soul it was apparent that the two of us loved each other more then soulless vampires should. But that never stopped us before.
“Just a visit for old time’s sake? Is Lindsey waiting for you in some hotel?”I threaded my fingers through my wet hair and sighed, trying to think of the best way to say it without feeling any smaller then I already did. "No." I whispered, looking up at him. "I got tired of waiting for someone that wasn't waiting for me ( ... )
I watched her walk to the window, her whole body seemed to slump and I could tell she was having a hard time of it. I knew I was being hard on her, but it was for a reason, I couldn’t bloody take it if this was just some drive by visit where I began to let my guard down again just to have her slip through my fingers all over again.
I couldn’t help but smirk a little, though, she’d been wrong about Lindsey, and I’d told her so at the time. Part of me wondered if she’d taken so long about coming home just to prove that I was wrong about the two of ‘em.
"I just wanted to come home." I stood watching her a moment longer, considering making her beg. It’d be nice to hear, she never did do it that often and it seemed like she was just about ready to sink to it but hell, it was much more fun hearing her beg for other things. Things Lindsey couldn’t give her. Things that’d I’d been waiting to give her for the past six long, sodding years. I thrill went through me at the thought of it, we’d always been magnificent together, at everything, ( ... )
"Well you're home now, aren't you?"
Nodding slowly I closed my eyes and leaned back against him, the feel of his hands on my skin making me ache and burn. It wasn't for anything sexual - I always wanted him sexually - but this...this was something more. "Yes." I mouthed, unsure if I even spoke at all.
“But it can’t be for a visit, or a little while...It has to be forever. Cant' lose you again.”
Everything inside me surrendered, gave up and just gave myself to him. I licked my lips slowly and moved my hand up to my neck, brushing my hair off my neck and offering my skin to him. "Then don't." I whispered, swallowing and feeling his hands grip onto me hard. "Sire..."
"Then don't…Sire..."Something began to burn inside me, something that’d gone out when she left. Lust, deep and powerful but something else too, something more powerful than any of that. My hands gripped her hips harshly and before I knew it I’d spun her ‘round, slipping into game face at some point and sinking my fangs into the soft, sweet flesh of her neck. As I ripped through the marked I’d made when I’d turned her and tasted her rich, sweet blood flood my mouth I felt tears start to prickle my eyes so I closed them. Best not let her see that, couldn’t have her thinking I was soft, now could I ( ... )
“Mmm, sounds good,” I agreed, squeezing her hand lightly. I felt better than I had since she left. Complete again and I was going to remind her how good we were together, how the-
"No. I...I don't belong here anymore." My whole body jerked violent as she ripped her hand from mine and started moving back towards the door. What the bloody hell was she talking about? Of course she belonged here, she was the only one that ever did, that’s why I couldn’t keep a lover for more than two days, because they were all standing - or lying, as the case my be - in her bloody shadow ( ... )
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