oh, life, you are good to me.

Feb 23, 2010 21:06

 I first created this LJ during a time in my life when I was increasingly bored and frustrated so I came here to talk about things that basically didn't suck quite so much. By posting here about the small good things in life, TV shows, uni prospects etc, they seemed more affluent in my life than the boring, mundane stuff I had to drag myself through (namely the last six months of high school and a tedious four month summer break).

But finally I am here and loving it and now posting on LJ doesn't seem quite as crucial to my weekly existence as it once did. Which is good because most people really do need a life outside the internet, but its also bad because, however much people who don't do this sort of thing scoff, I enjoy this.

I don't make friends easy. I let them come to me, instead of actively putting myself out there, which is a flaw I continuously try and fail to break, but in fandom, in LJ, in my favorite forums, I can lurk and post occasionally and feel part of something, feel like I belong. And judge that all you like RL people, but it makes me happy, and that's all there is to it.

Still, now here I am at the NZ Broadcasting School and I talk of TV and my passion and my writing and people - although they may not be in the same boat exactly - appreciate my love and accept it as everybody here has similar passions. In our group of 22 we have someone who wants to be a voice over artist for cartoons, someone who wants to be a doco director, the guy behind the camera on Getaway, an indie director, an actor/director/producer/writer, an editor, a visionmixer, a bigwig exec, the list goes on, those are just the film and tv students (there are also 20 radio and 20 journalism students). We are all here at this rather elite school cause we have enough passion for these things in this industry to go after them 110%.

We will all come out of this with a Bachelor of Broadcasting Communications and go on to do what we are passionate about for a living, being the best in our respective fields here in NZ and among some of the best in the world. I knew this place was a big deal but I was shocked to discover that two of my new fellows came from CANADA in order to work this particular course. That's just amazing and says a lot.

Right now, with those future prospects ahead of us and our talent and drive behind us, this whole damn experience can't help but be amazing.

I can't believe I'm here.

Wow, and this post wasn't even going to be about RL.

And I still haven't really touched upon this new, fantastic city and my new, fantastic flatmates.

Or fandom. Poor fandom, I'm betting it feels neglected. ***pats head***

Also, finally, can I just say that, damn, after rereading this, I've realised it is just too damn chipper for its own good. I give it three weeks before my world comes crashing around my ankles. And don't that show what a sad state the world is when you deem your honest, unabashed happiness to be too good to be true. How very cynical and sad.

Well that sobered me up. Sigh.

christchurch, rl

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