→☆[ 1 3 ] [ V I D E O ]

Dec 17, 2008 01:14

[ The camera focuses on Hikaru and Kaoru, side-by-side saluting. The room is noisy and banging can be heard in the background, along with excited shouts and running. Hikaru poses in his blazer. ]

[English]HI~~ Welcome to the Ouran Academy HOST CLUB! Special Report! Yes ( Read more... )

lmao wut, realm of commoners, host club, wannabe newsreporters, hosts =/= construction workers, in ur high school knockin' down ur wallz, hikaru wins at cinema, lololol

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(sheltered chrona is sheltered) commentlogplz? mr_corner_n_me December 18 2008, 00:06:03 UTC
..Th-this looks..different..

[ She was hesitant to say weird, it seemed these people took this..'Host Club' quite seriously, and she didn't want to offend! Chrona was also quite curious. ]


action;; awwwww chrona ; w ; one_is_hikaru December 18 2008, 00:13:33 UTC
[ ...Boy or girl? Girl or boy? Hikaru... couldn't tell. No matter -- he played the homo act, anyhow. ]

Indeed~ Everyone needs an escape from the mundane, hmm~? You, too?


olol nobody can tell chrona's gender IT'S SECRET mr_corner_n_me December 18 2008, 00:53:54 UTC
..I..I suppose.

[ She tilted her head, blinking gently. At first began to look down at her feet, then back up to the boy. ]

um.. Wh-what's your name..?


THAT IS NO GOOD, SIR. :| WE'LL HAVE TO ASSIGN ONE. one_is_hikaru December 18 2008, 01:04:11 UTC
[ Hikaru looks to Kaoru, smirks. In unison: ]

Hitachiin Hikaru and Kaoru, at your service~

[ Hikaru, alone: ]
What's yours, hmm~?


CHOOSEFEMA- too bad ragnarok's not here to flip dress lol THEN ANSWER WILL BE SOLVED? 1/2 mr_corner_n_me December 18 2008, 01:11:00 UTC
A-ah, um..Chrona..

I-it's nice to meet you, H-Hikaru and Kaoru..um..

[ Chrona is trying to decide which twin is which since they spoke in unison, as well as if she should add -san or -kun to their name. ]


2/2 mr_corner_n_me December 18 2008, 01:11:34 UTC
I-I'm sorry, but..wh-which is..which?

[ Looked extremely guilty for having to ask. ]


gdjigdgd O GOD THE TWINS WOULD FAINT OR SOMETHING. one_is_hikaru December 18 2008, 01:15:26 UTC
[ ooc | lmao I just remembered he told Nill to wait to play. Nevermind that last post. |D'~ ]

[ Grins~~ How shy~ ]

Nee, Chronachama, if you come to the Host Club, we'll play a game with you. Then you can find out which one of us is Hikaru, okay~? For now it's a se~cret~


FROM SKIRT FLIP OR RAGNAROK? ladkw i'm amused, mental image mr_corner_n_me December 18 2008, 01:21:42 UTC
I-I uh..w-well if..you want me to..?

[ She frowned just a little but didn't mind trying. Chrona will just feel even more guilty if she doesn't get it right.

She pointed to the left. ]

K-Kaoru-san and.. [ To the right.] Hikaru-san?

[ Yep, she opted for san as she doesn't think she knows them well enough to use kun. ]


We'd like you to, yes~ The more the merrier, right, Chronachama~?

[ unison: ]

No guessing yet!! It's a secret, it's a secret~!

[ hikaru, alone: ]
You can call us whatever you think, for now, but we won't say who is who until the Club starts, okay~? It's a mystery~!


OLOL I see! mr_corner_n_me December 18 2008, 01:40:03 UTC
O-Oh, okay..mm, r-right..

[ She did smile then, relaxing a little that she didn't have to guess right away. ]

Wh-when does it start..?

[ Chrona looked to the construction again, feeling silly for asking. ]

O-once all of this is done, r-right..?


one_is_hikaru December 18 2008, 02:12:23 UTC
Once this is all done, Chronachama~ So quite soon! Don't worry!
Have you ever attended a Host Club before~?


mr_corner_n_me December 18 2008, 02:22:20 UTC
[ Chrona nodded her head first to agree that she wouldn't worry, then shook her head to attending. ]

I-I haven't..I only learned wh-what a host club was n-not too long ago..


one_is_hikaru December 18 2008, 02:25:49 UTC
Then we'll have lots of fun!! We'll be your hosts~ It'll be great fun, Chronachama. Our only goal is to make you smile~


mr_corner_n_me December 18 2008, 02:30:52 UTC
I-I see..

[ Chrona smiled very lightly. ]

Th-then I..look f-forward to it?


one_is_hikaru December 18 2008, 03:52:57 UTC
And we look forward to it, too!!


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