shoes and such...

Mar 27, 2006 19:12

ok so not to seem really concieted and shallow, but i had the lovliest conversation with SDD (jill) today about shoes and their power. we were inspired by a quote from sex in the city in which carrie states that "Being a single girl is hard sometimes. That's why it's important to have a really great pair of shoes to make the walk a little easier." not exact, but you get the point.

hardxluck17: and theres no way they wear heels or know what dior is
hardxluck17: haha
hardxluck17: hah
hardxluck17: u suckkkkk
One for Wishing: i just cringed
One for Wishing: like
One for Wishing: literally
hardxluck17: haha u would
One for Wishing: yes. so please don't do that to me
One for Wishing: i have a fragile soul when it comes to dior, chanel, badgely mishka, mochino, etc.
One for Wishing: prada
One for Wishing: gucci
hardxluck17: a world without stillettos or couture or haha
hardxluck17: imagine it
One for Wishing: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
One for Wishing: OOOMG i cant forget!! JImmy CHOO!!
hardxluck17: it would be worse than hilllll running teh country i believe
One for Wishing: i don't know.. i'd kill myself either way. but i look it at like, at least if that lib bitch scumbag (not the kind u defend) ran and ::GOD FORBID:: the libs in this lovely country defeated the people with the brains and voted for that shit, i could still look amazing in my shoes...
hardxluck17 is away at 7:02:34 PM.

Auto response from hardxluck17:
the world without jimmy choo's=worse than if hillary ran the country

:-) call the cell

hardxluck17: hahaaa

hardxluck17: we r so not shallow
One for Wishing: i don't see it as shallow, because like food is important to some people, shoes are to me. oxygen, water... they're all just forms of the same nourishment that is equally available to me in shoes. and none of the above can pull a complete outfit together just by being amazing.
One for Wishing: am i right?
hardxluck17: correcto

hardxluck17: hahhh
One for Wishing: haha
hardxluck17: nailed it
One for Wishing: plus, if you look at it this way, food and water don't provide for the emotional aspect of a woman's soul. water makes you gain water weight, who needs that. when you're depressed, if you eat, you get fat. if you are depressed and buy an amazingly overly expensive pair of shoes, not only will you start to feel good about yourself, but you will look amazing and other people will feel good about you. and-- shoes are best friends for a lifetime.
hardxluck17: hahaaaaaahaha
hardxluck17: o lord
One for Wishing: haha im right.
One for Wishing: and i think thats better than anyhting carrie could come up with jk thats sacreligious i know
hardxluck17: hahahhah def
hardxluck17: never say that
hardxluck17: but its maybe close
One for Wishing: aw really?
One for Wishing: that makes me smile
hardxluck17: haha
hardxluck17: this whole convo has consisted of shoes
hardxluck17: and such
hardxluck17: love it

i'm not really that shallow. neither is jill. i don't even really own any designer shoes... not yet anyway. but looking at the most amazing things you can ever set your eyes on just makes you smile...


<3 Cole and Jill.
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