my favorite thing about the weekend is waking up in bed next to these guys:
on saturday, we spent most of the day in lansing. we went to the michigan historical museum, then we ate. then we made pottery. then we went to preuss pets (where i saw the poor bird that
shannondk was supposedly going to buy quite a while ago). then we met up with benn. then we went to trippers, but it was SRO, so we went to club 505 instead. it was FULL of lesbians. by the time we left, there was a line going down the street of people waiting to get in. (saturday night, st. patrick's day, college town, big game night. what do you expect?)
we didn't get home until around 1:30am.
then today, we were lounging around, napping off and on and enjoying a quiet day. we had no hot water, so we called the maintenance guy and he came over to fix it. well, he's from a different property so doesn't know how everything works in these units. even still, he neglected to figure out how to turn the water off before attempting to fix the issue at hand. he had been here not even 5 minutes, when water went spraying EVERYWHERE. and he couldn't figure out how to turn it off. it flooded the kitchen, dining room, and half of the living room. it dripped through the floor and into the apartment below us as well. seriously HUGE mess. the maintenance guy was soaked. and it was filthy too, because there was tons of sediment from the bottom of the water heater. after it had been sitting a few minutes, it started to stink. the carpet people came and extracted the water. they sanitized the carpet. i allowed the chemicals this time because otherwise it really would have been a serious health hazard in a very short amount of time. i moved all the animals to the bedroom and shut the door for the entire process. they were not happy.
so now we have 2 industrial blowers and an industrial dehumidifier going in the dining room area. this is nothing new for neeners, dilly, turd, or ziggy, because this was a common occurence when we lived in the other unit with the crack in the foundation. suck, but oh well. it livened up our evening.
we actually felt really bad for the guy who did it, because it was just a mistake. i mean, yeah it was his fault, and it was pretty stupid for not making sure he knew how to turn it OFF before he started working. but... everyone makes mistakes. our downstairs neighbors took it in stride too. they're pretty nice people. i ran down there to warn them that the maintenance guy was coming to their unit, because they have more pets than they're supposed to (as do we). they came up here a bit later after everyone had left to see what our damage looked like. the biggest mess still left is all the sediment dried up on the kitchen floor and on the kitchen walls. that's gonna be a pain in the ass, but it could be a lot worse. we were able to move any wooden furniture out of the way in time so nothing really got ruined.
and oh yeah, after all that, when everyone left and i went to use the water, they hadn't turned it back on.
so back he came, because i sure as hell wasn't going to mess with it.
anyway, we now have hot water for the first time in almost 3 days. yay!