**hug** i love you amanda. really i do. hang in there. I know how you feel, this is what of my life has consisted of this summer-work, sleep, hanging out with adam, jeni and her boyfriend and most nights I just come home and read. There are people I could call, but for some reason i dont have the energy. I;'ve definately calmed down alot this summer. if you ever want to come down to chesapeake for a weekend give me a call, you have a room here. we can do the sights and be silly tourists...until then, keep smiling even when you feel like crying.
We should get together and talk, I know right where you are coming from as a preacher's child. My schedule is pretty free if you want to have lunch and talk about stuff, and just hang out. Kelsey
Yeah i've been around...things are kinda crazy right now but I am definetly around for lunch a lot, we'll just have to pick a time so I can put it on my calender.
it sounds to me, someone who has suffered from depression for a long time, that the things you are seeing that are making you depressed, are actually the things that are symptoms of actual clinical depression, especially the sleeping and eating problems. I know what everything your talking about feels like, I know it all too well. we need to get together and have some sister time and talk, i miss you and im worried about you. I know your lonely without Kevin here to comfort you and be with you, but don't let the lonliness take over because im 15 mins away, and Danville's only a couple hours away. You'll make it through this summer, and if it's hard then we'll make it through together. Hang in there babe!
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