Ladies and gentlemen, it's that time again. We've got a lot of new people, and I like to have these things on file for posterity. Like last time, if you don't want me to read it, I have some yellow envelopes with the sticky seals. Write your name on the front of the envelope and give them to me that way.
As always, this is optionalFor those of you
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Name: Libby Widmore
Inmate’s Name: Ruby
1. How long have you been here? Sixteen months, maybe even seventeen? It's hard to be exact.
2. What skills do you bring to your organization? I'm a I have a degree in clinical psychology, and I have a capacity for empathy with "criminals" that comes from firsthand experience.
3. If you were a color, what color would you be, and why? Light green or light blue, maybe even purple...because I like those colors. This question is pseudo-psychology, you know that, right?
4. How many inmates have you had? Three, counting the one I have now.
5. Describe your average day aboard the Barge. I wake up and have breakfast. Then I take my dog out for a run in the CES. If I have work that day, I go to work; if not, I keep myself busy with whatever I can, and I usually eat a light lunch while working. I finish whatever I'm doing for the day, have dinner, and wind down with a movie in the common room or a book in mine.
6. How many of your inmates have graduated? None.
7. Do you believe in the existence of a deity? Explain. Not really, no. I'd like to think we can do the right thing without fear of reprisal from some all-powerful being. That being said, I'm more of an agnostic than anything.
8. How many of your inmates have disappeared without graduating? Two.
9. What was your initial reaction upon reading your inmate’s file? Sympathy. Protectiveness.
10. What are your hobbies? Reading, jogging a little drinking, taking care of my pets.
11. In one word, how would you describe your inmate? Misunderstood.
12. What is the most important rule to follow, as a warden? Try to understand before judging.
13. What is your ideal holiday destination? Well, cruises and beaches are both right out.
14. What is the worst moment you’ve experienced aboard the Barge? The aftermath of the mirror flood.
15. What is the best moment you’ve experienced aboard the Barge? I'm not sure. There are several I could name.
16. Do you achieve a sense of satisfaction from this job? Yes.
17. How many times have you died? Twice. Once back in my world, and once since coming aboard.
18. If you were an animal, what animal would you be, and why? ...I don't know.
19. Do you feel that you know your fellow wardens well? Some, yes. Others, not enough.
20. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Nothing. That's not genuine change, which is what I'm after.
21. If you could change one thing about your inmate, what would it be? See above.
22. How do you feel? Right now, a little lost.
Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Your inmate has created a weapon. Do you:
a. Allow them to keep it.
b. Confiscate the weapon without comment.
c. Confiscate the weapon and assign punishment.
2. Of the choices, which would you prefer for your employment?
a. Lifeguard
b. Law enforcement
c. Computer Technician
d. Sanitation Worker
3. If you could have one of the following historical figures for an inmate, which would you choose, based on their likelihood for redemption? Please research your answer.
a. Charles Manson
b. Rasputin
c. Jeffrey Dahmer
d. Benedict Arnold
Rate the following on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being “Poor” and 10 being “Excellent”.
1. Your inmate’s behavior. 10
2. Your effectiveness as a warden. comment.
3. Your inmate’s hygiene and cleanliness. 10
4. Your hygiene and cleanliness. 10
5. The quality of the food. 7
6. Your communication with your fellow wardens. 7
7. Your communication with your inmate. 9
8. Your inmate’s ability to communicate. 9
Why are you here? To make up for my own misdeeds by helping others.
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