Warden / Inmate Self-Evaluation Form Time!

Apr 07, 2010 19:58

Ladies and gentlemen, it's that time again. We've got a lot of new people, and I like to have these things on file for posterity. Like last time, if you don't want me to read it, I have some yellow envelopes with the sticky seals. Write your name on the front of the envelope and give them to me that way.

As always, this is optional.

For those of you who completed one of these back in November and would like to compare the two evaluation forms, you can pick up the previous one from me in the dining hall. I’ve still got them in their original envelopes.

Also like last time, I ask that you write legibly and not copy other people’s work. Have some integrity.

Warden Self-Evaluation Form

Name: __________________
Inmate’s Name: ____________

1. How long have you been here?
2. What skills do you bring to your organization?
3. If you were a color, what color would you be, and why?
4. How many inmates have you had?
5. Describe your average day aboard the Barge.
6. How many of your inmates have graduated?
7. Do you believe in the existence of a deity? Explain.
8. How many of your inmates have disappeared without graduating?
9. What was your initial reaction upon reading your inmate’s file?
10. What are your hobbies?
11. In one word, how would you describe your inmate?
12. What is the most important rule to follow, as a warden?
13. What is your ideal holiday destination?
14. What is the worst moment you’ve experienced aboard the Barge?
15. What is the best moment you’ve experienced aboard the Barge?
16. Do you achieve a sense of satisfaction from this job?
17. How many times have you died?
18. If you were an animal, what animal would you be, and why?
19. Do you feel that you know your fellow wardens well?
20. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
21. If you could change one thing about your inmate, what would it be?
22. How do you feel?

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Your inmate has created a weapon. Do you:
a. Allow them to keep it.
b. Confiscate the weapon without comment.
c. Confiscate the weapon and assign punishment.

2. Of the choices, which would you prefer for your employment?
a. Lifeguard
b. Law enforcement
c. Computer Technician
d. Sanitation Worker

3. If you could have one of the following historical figures for an inmate, which would you choose, based on their likelihood for redemption? Please research your answer.
a. John Wilkes Booth Charles Manson
b. Rasputin
c. Jeffrey Dahmer
d. Judas Benedict Arnold

Rate the following on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being “Poor” and 10 being “Excellent”.

1. Your inmate’s behavior.
2. Your effectiveness as a warden.
3. Your inmate’s hygiene and cleanliness.
4. Your hygiene and cleanliness.
5. The quality of the food.
6. Your communication with your fellow wardens.
7. Your communication with your inmate.
8. Your inmate’s ability to communicate.

Why are you here?


Inmate Self-Evaluation Form

Name: __________________
Warden’s Name: ____________

1. How long have you been here?
2. Do you believe you belong here?
3. If you were a color, what color would you be, and why?
4. How many wardens have you had?
5. Describe your average day aboard the Barge.
6. What job has your warden assigned to you?
7. What was your initial reaction upon meeting your warden?
8. What are your hobbies?
9. In one word, how would you describe your warden?
10. What is the most important rule to follow, as an inmate?
11. What is your ideal holiday destination?
12. What is the worst moment you’ve experienced aboard the Barge?
13. What is the best moment you’ve experienced aboard the Barge?
14. Do you feel you have improved since arriving here?
15. How many times have you died?
16. If you were an animal, what animal would you be, and why?
17. Do you feel that you know your fellow inmates well?
18. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
19. If you could change one thing about your warden, what would it be?
20. Do you want to graduate?
21. How do you feel?

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. You discover one warden is a criminal and ought to be an inmate. Do you:
a. Ignore the situation.
b. Report the situation to the Admiral.
c. Plan a riot.

2. Of the choices, which would you prefer for your employment?
a. Lifeguard
b. Law enforcement
c. Computer Technician
d. Sanitation Worker

3. If you could have one of the following historical figures for a warden, which would you choose, based on their ability to do the job capably and fairly? Please research your answer.
a. Abraham Lincoln
b. Socrates
c. Wyatt Earp
d. Che Guevera

Rate the following on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being “Poor” and 10 being “Excellent”.

1. Your warden’s behavior.
2. Your warden’s effectiveness.
3. Your behavior.
4. Your warden’s hygiene and cleanliness.
5. Your hygiene and cleanliness.
6. The quality of the food.
7. Your communication with the wardens in general.
8. Your communication with your warden.
9. Your warden’s ability to communicate.
10. The likelihood that you will graduate within the next six months.

Why are you here?

[OOC: Like last time, just reply here with them. If your character doesn't want Rube to see it, mark it "CONFIDENTIAL" in the subject line.

If your character did one last time and wants their form back, the evaluations from November are riiight here!]

rube likes paperwork

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