This LJ has gone friends only

Nov 23, 2017 05:14

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lol_worthy November 29 2007, 06:56:57 UTC
So now that you and Ckll are done, will you PLEASEEEEEE tell me what that comment she made was about? I am dying to know, and it seems she has made everyone who knew about the rumor stay quiet ( ... )


onci_dium November 29 2007, 16:14:33 UTC
Hi ( ... )


lol_worthy November 29 2007, 19:44:22 UTC
Lol, I completely understand what you are saying. And I think this icon is 100% appropriate for this situation *snickers*

Thanks for responding hun, I appreciate it!

Honestly, your theory doesn't sound wrong at all to me. I mean the guys are working their butts off filming the eps, its totally possible that the "girls" are there for that reason, the same could be said for all the other characters, Bobby, Ellen, all of them. I think part of the "fangirl whine" over the girls is partly due to their dilluted fantasies about Dean or Sam being theirs, lol. Not all of the SPN fans think this way but you can bet jensenfanchile thinks that way. And yes hun, that icon is puke worthy! Very creepy indeed, can you spell OBSESSED? I doubt fanchile can O_O

So, I am walking away from this experience with new wisdom about *cough wack job losers cough* Thanks again sweetie <3 ( ... )


onci_dium November 30 2007, 00:03:13 UTC
You are more than welcome :) Like I said, pretty much the whole thing is in theories and fantasies. And well, there are also lots of cool fen out there who just wanna squee, share fanfic and go about the daily business of supporting the show (and the writers! Oh man do i support them!)

And if you feel like it, you can friend :) I'lll firned back, I will arn you, I do tend to be into the Wincest and J2 fannishly, as are a lot of my f-list, but we're all just in this for shits and giggles and have lives outside too. Pretty much we love the show.

Yeah. I admit, I do D/L the eps, cuz I have to (no tv, which is a long story involving me giving up TV and then being sucked back in for this show!) but the minute the DVDs come out, I buy them. And well, CK can have her fantasies, I just also wanted people to know the real her.

Oh and if you are looking for a comm with cool peeps just sharing the yay? spn_freshblood it's new and awesome


lol_worthy December 1 2007, 19:49:19 UTC
I know there are lots of people like me, and you of course, who just love the show and want to have fun with it. But those few nutjobs kinda ruin it for me at times. They sound so desperate, I wish they could see how sad they look! Oh well, they must lot have a RL.

I friended you hun, and I am gonna check out that community right now. It looks promising:)

I don't dl the eps but I dl music so I am not completely innocent, lol. Yeah she can have her dilluted fantasies, and if people wanna follow her like sheep and kiss her ass, well more power to them, but I am not going to do it :] I see her for what she is.


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