
Oct 28, 2009 23:58

Seriously, the best part of tonight's World Series game was this:

image Click to view

And THAT is why Cliff Lee is my favorite player! I've liked him from the start when he pitched his first Postseason game against the Rockies at the beginning of the month, but tonight really made me fall in love! I literally cracked up when he just struck out his hand that caught that ball like it was nothing!

Other Game 1 Highlights:
- Cliff Lee spanking a Yankees player out. He tagged the player on - of ALL PLACES - his ass. :)
- Cliff Lee catching a ball BEHIND HIS BACK! This man can seriously do no wrong! Even if he pulls a Hamels and sucks next year, I'm still going to remember this and be in awe.

SO happy that the Phillies won tonight, 6-1! Maybe now the Yankees fans will shut up and recognize why we're the returning World Fucking Champions! Too bad I'm going to miss the majority of the next three games because of work, but you better believe I'll have friends texting me the scores and highlights! :)

In other news, I still haven't asked my Mom about moving back in. I don't know why I'm so nervous ... However, it was nice watching the game with my sister. Besides my Step-Dad, I'm the one who gets Baseball the most, so it's fun to show off a bit. :)

Then, I came home to a note from Franklin Township saying I was approved as a Substitute! I have to call them tomorrow morning and ask about getting fingerprinted and my certificate, but I'm SO CLOSE to actually getting in a REAL classroom! I can't believe this! I also took a Praxis practice test and did fairly well on it for only getting through half of the study guide. :)

For now, I think I'm going to read some of Elizabeth Edward's Autobiography, Resilience. I've been wanting it since it first came out, and had to resort to borrowing a large text version from the library! So far, it's definitely good. You can tell she's such a strong and educated woman ... I'm just curious to see what she has to say about John Edwards and his affair. Should be interesting. :)

Any way ... GO PHILS! World Champion REPEAT 2009! <3

teaching, work, phillies, substituting

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