
Oct 18, 2009 18:10

I've been meaning to do this for a while, but haven't really gotten around to it ...

It's been AGES since I've updated, and there have been many changes in my life. It's all too overwhelming to detail them all, so I'll drop them into my everyday entries.

Because I DO intend to take this thing up again. It's good to write, and I've missed it. However, I feel like things are too unorganized in my journal. Sadly, I've lost track of who many of my friends are on here, and I'd like to do a little cleaning. However, I don't feel right just deleting people out of the blue. I'd like to keep many of you, but I'd just have a favor to ask first.

If you want to remain friends with me ...

PLEASE just re-introduce yourself. What's your name? Age? Career? If you're still in school, what's your major and future career goals? Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? Children? What are the three main things you write about in your journal?

Some of you I will keep as friends, regardless, either because I've kept up with your journal during my hiatus or we've been friends for ages. Others, I might have to remove, but please know, there are no hard feelings. :)

To remind you all of who I am:

My name is Trisha. I'm 22 years old and just recently gradated from the University of San Francisco with a Bachelor's Degree in History. I'm currently back home, in Southern New Jersey, and I've been struggling to find a job. Recently, I was hired at Wal-Mart, and while it's not glamorous, it pays well and it'll sustain me. I'm working on getting my Teaching Certification and hoping to substitute.

I spend most of my weekends at a local college, Rowan, partying with my best friend. I'm definitely not a drunk, but I know how to have fun. I've done a lot of WILD things there, and I'm sure you'll hear more about them. I'm also single, but a "Josh" will repeatedly be mentioned here since he's one of my best friends and also the only guy I've been sleeping with for about a year now. (He, on the other hand, sleeps with MANY girls and has a child on the way in February ...)

I hope to be re-introduced to many of you all! Look forward to new entries from me VERY SOON! :)
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