2 May 2009 - Downtown

May 02, 2009 16:02

What a rough night last night! I worked until 2 AM, and then finally fell asleep when the obnoxious girls who live above me decided to blast their music at 3 AM! It literally woke me up, which usually doesn't happen since I'm a heavy sleeper.

Then, at 6 AM, my friend who was working at the Front Desk keeps on calling me. When I finally decide to answer, she says I'm supposed to work?! Noooo. Not 6-8 AM, I tell her, but 6-8 PM. I don't blame her for the mix-up, since she had been awake all night. I was going to work 7-8 AM for her, since we were both at 39 hours and neither of us could do the entire shift, but Tom came to work. Yay!

So, I slept until Noon, which means no Dolores Park. =( It was raining anyways, so I decided to go Downtown and get my Mom Mother's Day gifts. I went to Lupicia and got my Mom this AMAZING-smelling Strawberry Vanilla tea with honey, and then I got myself some Green Tea with Apple, which smells AMAZING! Overall, it's been a good day so far!

San Francisco is such an interesting city. On one hand, we're entirely liberal and open-minded. Every weekend, there's some kind of rally or march going on in support of labor unions, immigration, etc. San Francisco is such a political city that it's hard to live here and not have your mind opened to new ideas and causes. On the other hand, there are those conservatives who really make themselves heard, protesting gay marriage, premarital sex, and other such things. I'm not sure what this group was about, but from what I've heard, I feel like they were against homosexuality. They weren't getting much approval, even when they were speaking mostly to out-of-towners.

Union Square is one of my favorite parks in the city. It's in the center of Downtown, yet it's such a beautiful and peaceful place to relax and read a book. When I living in a Hostel last year for two weeks, I spent a lot of my time here, reading Jane Austen and enjoying the sites and sounds. At Christmastime, they have a huge tree and skating rink there, but other times they have vendors, concerts, etc.

Of course, you can't go Downtown without taking a picture of our world-famous Cable Cars. Even though I get on them for free with my Muni Pass (an excellent deal, considering they're $5 per way), the lines and the tourists make me avoid them unless my family is in town. I honestly have never used them outside of then, and usually prefer to take the F when I'm traveling Downtown to the Wharf.

Also, you all MUST watch this:

image Click to view

I honestly think it is one of the funniest things ever! So take some time to destress from all that reading and studying, and enjoy Benny Lava! Hehe. ^.^

101 in 1001, 101 things to do in 1001 days

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