A Month in Pictures

May 01, 2009 17:55

As a part of my 101 Things to do in 1,001 Days, I have decided to start May by taking a picture of my day and posting commentary in my journal. =)

I ended up taking three pictures:

Fridays are campus are generally quiet and empty, considering only a handful of us are unfortunate enough to have classes. Unfortunately, the day of the week and the poor weather (it has been raining on-and-off since about Noon) did not stop a group of 15 people coming to tour campus. >.< It did, however, stop my fellow Tour Guide from showing up on time, so I had to take the entire tour myself, in the rain, and without my rain boots. D=

A hardly-discernible Golden Gate Bridge from the stairs leading to my apartment. Even then, can't you see why I'm in love with this city, and especially this campus?

Although I am NOT a huge fan of these stairs, which are only HALF of what I have to climb up of on MWFs.

101 in 1001, 101 things to do in 1001 days

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