It's late, no one's awake here, and would someone please read this and tell me if it makes sense?

Nov 01, 2006 20:12

I need to take 21 credits next semester, but I can only take 20, officially. So I need to file an official petition, so if you read this and tell me if it gets the point across, i'll like you a lot. k?

As a declared English major, and a double Psychology and Secondary Education minor, I find it very difficult to plan out my classes each semester. I am studying abroad in London this semester, taking only 16 credits, which is below my normal average of 17-19 credits per semester. In addition, my last semester at Drew will be spent Student Teaching, and I will, therefore, be unable to take any Drew courses towards my English major or psychology minor.
My proposed spring schedule would consist of a maximum of 6 simultaneous courses, with one only occurring in the second half of the semester. This is identical to the course load I carried last semester, with only with a 2-credit difference. I did not find the workload unmanageable, and I believe I am capable of handling a 21-credit semester.

[EDIT: For once I am thankful for the slow internet here. I was sending this out, and I realised that I repeated a word "with only with" in the middle of the second paragraph. So I managed to hit cancel before it actually sent, and all is well. So that's done. Now I guess I can actually submit my registration to my advisor. I should probably email her personally too, to explain what I'm doing. Might do that now before class.]

petition to academic standing board

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