Prompt Table: FAQs

Nov 26, 2011 16:31

What are prompt tables?

You choose which table of prompts you like the most. You make a piece of artwork/write a fic/do something for each prompt on the table. Post each piece as you complete it to the community, with appropriate tags.

When you've completed the table, let me know and I'll make you a banner in celebration.

Where can I find the prompt ( Read more... )

!prompt tables

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Comments 8

mcc2040 November 27 2011, 21:28:19 UTC
I've never done a prompt table before nor have I even really ever paid attention to the mechanics of it.

So for the code given with a prompt table, is it just for us to use to link back to our completed works on our journal?


tromana November 27 2011, 21:29:39 UTC
It's there for you to keep track of your progress in your own journal. :-) You don't need to post it to the community - just the fics you write for it/art you make for it.


tenshinrtaiga November 28 2011, 18:40:15 UTC
Do you have tags for Ruby/Little Red Riding Hood? I looked for it when posting "Roses" but didn't see it.


tromana November 28 2011, 18:43:20 UTC
not yet; adding it now.


jungle_ride November 28 2011, 21:31:20 UTC
Can fanvids, fanmixs and other graphic (icons, headers, friends only banners etc) be submitted for the prompts or is it only fanfiction??


tromana November 28 2011, 21:33:56 UTC
You can submit things for the prompts in any type of creativity you like.


dj_rocca January 16 2012, 04:11:49 UTC
I've completed my table! All my fics can be found here under my author tag ;)


tromana January 16 2012, 08:11:32 UTC
Thanks for letting me know. Will be making you (and a couple of other completers) their banners when I next have a few spare minutes to do so. :-)


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