Prompt Table: FAQs

Nov 26, 2011 16:31

What are prompt tables?

You choose which table of prompts you like the most. You make a piece of artwork/write a fic/do something for each prompt on the table. Post each piece as you complete it to the community, with appropriate tags.

When you've completed the table, let me know and I'll make you a banner in celebration.

Where can I find the prompt tables?


Do I have to use the prompts in the order supplied?

No. Use them in whatever order you choose.

I don't like some of the prompts in a table, can I change them?

No, sorry.

How many tables do we have?

6, comprising of:

3x 5 prompts
2x 10 prompts
1x 20 prompts

You can find all of the tables: here

Can I sign up for more than one table?

Not at the same time. Once you have completed a table, feel free to come back and claim another.

How many people can claim the same table at the same time?

There's no limit on how many people can be working on the same prompt tables.

How long do I have to write/make everything?

There's no time limit unless you want to have a self-imposed one, of course.

What is a JOKER?

Your choice of prompt. As these prompts are to be used for any type of creativity, it's easier for me than writing 'author's/artist's choice'.

How do I sign up?

Fill in the form and reply to the post containing the prompt table of your choice. When you do, I will make you an author's tag so you can tag anything you post to the community. You can also use this tag to tag anything you do for our weekly prompts too.

What tags do I need to use on a post?

Your author's tag, the tag of the prompt table you're using and any tags relating to what your submission contains. (eg. fic genres, characters, type of artwork etc.) If a tag is missing, let me know.

eg. If I were to post an angsty Emma/Sheriff Graham fic response to a prompt from table A, the tags I would use would be:

*tromana, prompt table: A, character: emma swan, character: sheriff graham,  genre: angst, genre: het, pairing: emma/sheriff graham, rating: teen, type: fanfic (oneshot)

Will any more tables ever be introduced?

Hopefully at some point. :-)

Any other questions? Let me know by replying to this post.

!prompt tables

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