Of Christmases Past, Present and Future

Apr 05, 2014 00:31

Title: Of Christmases Past, Present and Future
Recipient: raktajinos
Author: tellshannon815
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Regina, Emma, Henry Mills, Mary Margaret, David, Daniel, Cora, Henry the father, Archie, Ruby, Belle, Leroy, Marco, Michael Tillman, Granny.
Word Count: 2830
Warnings: Spoilers throughout S2.
Summary: When the Charmings ban Regina from spending Christmas with Henry, it causes her to reflect on Christmases throughout her past. However, Emma has second thoughts about the ban and helps Regina realise she has friends after all.
Author's Notes: Set shortly after 2x09.

Henry? Don't you want to spend some time with me on Christmas Day?

character: daniel, character: snow white/mary m blanchard, character: emma swan, character: red riding hood/ruby, character: henry (senior), rating: pg, character: geppetto/marco, character: grumpy/leroy, character: the evil queen/regina mills, character: henry (junior), character: belle french, universe: earth

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