somewhere along the way, i should forget

Apr 03, 2014 01:28

Title: somewhere along the way, i should forget
Author: ladygj // ladygalaxyj
Rating: G

Characters/Pairings: Evil Queen|Regina Mills/Robin Hood
Genre: Romance
Warnings: Very small spoiler for 3x15 Quiet Minds.

Summary: Zelena's curse is about to strike the Enchanted Forest. Robin comes to see Regina as they don't know how much time they have left. Established FTL relationship. Outlaw Queen. Mild spoilers for 3x15 Quiet Minds.

Fake LJ-cut to my journal:
( Her majesty worries for her thief?” Robin teased her, trying to sound casual, but his voice didn’t have its usual sparkle. He could never hide anything from her.)

Also available at AO3.

rating: g, pairing: robin/regina, universe: enchanted, character: the evil queen/regina mills

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