Let's play the Copy Game

Jan 20, 2008 12:27

1. Would you date someone who smokes?
Well since I just quit... I think if he smoked... it would be a horrible temptation... since I'm hanging by a thread at the moment... so I'd have to say no...

2. Would you date someone who was addicted to drugs?
uh... no

3. Would you date someone who lived in another state?
I'm a believer if you want it bad enough... long distance can work... and if I'd get more time off work... that'd be helpful too.  lol but if two people really care about each other they can make it work.

4. Whats your biggest turn off?
Cheaters and liars

5. Whats your biggest turn on, physically?
I'm a sucker for a smile and good eyes... eyes that can see right through me

6. Lip ring?
lip ring? uh... whatever floats his boat I guess... I do have a thing for punky guys... lol

7. Most hurtful relationship?
Well they both start with C.  One was honestly abusive and left me broken and having no self confidence and is stilll probably fucking up my life... and the other took little vunerable me and made sure my heart was REALLY bleeding.  They made a great team.

8. Have you ever regretted breaking up with someone?
no regrets.

9. Have you ever dated someone more than once?
yep... it's usually a bad idea... you broke up for a reason remember?  I tend to forget that.

11. If you could go on ONE DATE with any celebrity, who would it be?
just one? hmm... Nick from TSC

12. What's your relationship status?

13. What's the sweetest thing someone you dated did for you?
Gave me the last dance at prom... in our "spot" in the woods... to our song, and rose petals everywhere, and he dressed in a tux, even though I took my ex to prom.

14. Last time you got flowers?
hmmm... I honestly don't remember... so a loooong time ago.

16. Do you like cuddling?
I do... but not disgustingly so

17. Do you hold grudges?
not really

18. Do you regret dating anyone?
I've made mistakes... but I'm who I am today because of those mistakes... so no regrets.

19. Hugger or kisser?

20. Missing someone?
yeah... I haven't seen Jay in MONTHS

21. Most important lesson you've learned from your exes?
They all have the chance to hurt you... even if they swear they never will... there's always that chance.

23. Are you happier single or in a relationship?
In a relationship.

24. Whats the most important thing in a relationship?

25. What would make you break up w/ someone...no questions asked.
Cheating... been there... done that... and I'm done with second chances

26. Have you ever been in love with someone who didn't love you back?
lol yep.

27. Would you date someone who was broke all the time?
That doesn't matter... I mean a job is better... but it's not a dealbreaker... unless he spends all his money on beer and drugs that is...

28. How important are looks?
Sorry... but you have to attractive... but what's on the inside makes the outside look better, or worse

29. How do you know when you are in love?
I don't know... I hope it happens... and I could tell you.

30. Do you consider yourself shy?
Not in the least bit

31. Would you rather date someone who was way hot or someone who was way nice?

32. Have you ever been turned down or turned someone down?
Hasn't everyone?  We've all survived high school right? lol

33. Have you ever been ashamed of anyone you were dating?

34. Do you currently want to date anyone?
I do.

35. Thing that made you the happiest today?
being lazy before work

36. Would you ever date anyone your parents disapproved of?
nope... did that once and ended up paying for college that year... I've learned if your parents disapprove... there's a good reason why... and you should just listen.

37. Do you stay friends w/ the people you date?

39. Would you fight over someone you wanted to be with?
uh... depends on the person... and if he was "the one"

40. Do you kiss on the 1st date?
depends on the guy... I've been known to... I've also been known to duck when he tries lol

41. Would you date someone older or younger than you?
sure... older is better though... younger... they're so childish... and whores... that's my own experience though

42. Does the person you currently like know you like them?
I think so

43. Ever been cheated on?
oh yes.  sucks.

44. Do you think the word 'love' is overused?

45. Ever been called a whore?

46. Favorite memory with an ex?
I don't live in the past.  I'm waiting for my new happy moments

47. If someone cheated on you, would you take them back if you really loved them?
nope.  should have said no... if you really loved me... I won't settle for someone who doesn't love me as much or more than I love them.
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