
Aug 13, 2007 20:02

What's your name?:  Amy

How old are you?: 20

When's your birthday?: April Fools Day

Where were you born?: Nashua.

Do you have any siblings?: a younger brother

Are your parents still together?: yes

Do you like your family?: I do.. very much so

Are you a miracle child?: um nope.... was carefully planned

What's your favorite color?: Pink and Lime Green hahaha Felicia and Britt (you can't put on lime green eyeshadow all over your eyes! why not?!)

What's your favorite sport?: I love watching my brother race... big sister pride...

What's your favorite TV show?: Grey's.  Desperate Housewives. Buffy. Dawson's.  Hell's Kitchen

What's your favorite movie?: oh wow... so many... lately.. Fracture was pretty good.  Ryan Gosling is sexy no matter what... AH

What is (are) your favorite song(s)?: good lord... I love music... it's my life... and I couldn't narrow it down

What's your favorite book?: Harry Potter Series.  Gregory Maguire.  Lisa Carey.  Anne Rice.  Stephanie Meyer.

Now for the more in depth side of you.

Do you have someone who is your hero?: a hero?  My parents.  They came from very poor familes, fell in love, got married against everyone's better judgement at 18, and were living in my dad's mother's basement.  They waited 8 years to have kids, until they could buy a house, and then had me.  Now today, my Dad owns his own shop, a dream he's always had, we live very comfortably, I've never gone without, but they're still frugal, and careful.  They're still together, still in love.  See?  Fairy tales can happen
My little brother as well, at 18 he races against men decades older than him, and after all the bad luck, let downs, and losses, every week he goes and tries again.  He got his first ACT win last week.  I'm so proud of him, but I also look up to him.  He is pretty famous in the racing world, and he remains humble.  Someday he will go all the way, and I can't wait to see him live out his dream.
Do you have someone that is like your second father?: No.

Do you have someone who is like your second mother?: yes,  My aunt Penny.  She has always been there, when things were tough at home.  I would always have somewhere to go when my parents kicked me out.  She was my voice of reason in all those fights, and she loved and worried about me like her own when I was in a relationship with Chris, when she called me crying after watching Opera and seeinggirls being abused by their boyfriends and she thought that would be me someday.  After all the hell I put her and everyone through, she's still there.  Even though she doesn't have to be.

Do you have someone that is like a sibling to you?: Felicia and Britt.  Now and Forever.

Have you ever had your heartbroken?: yes.

Have you ever seen something that broke your heart?: Yes.

Have you ever loved someone so much you cried?: Yes.

Would you take a bullet for anyone?: for a select few people, I wouldn't think twice.

Would you DIE for anyone?: Wouldn't be the same thing?

Are you affectionate?: I am

Do you like hugs or bear hugs?: any kind of hugs are great

You like the small things or the hanging all over you things?: what?

Do you actually hate someone?: Hating just uses way too much energy that could be used for much better things.  If you've done something that earns that much energy, I'd rather write you out of my life, which with a few people I have done.

Have you ever physically hurt someone on purpose?: My brother and I fight sometimes...

Have you ever emotionally hurt someone on purpose?: I was in a bad place... and he deserved it, after everything he put me through.

Have you loved someone outside of your family as a family member?: Yes.

Have you been in love with a boy/girl yet?: Yes.

Are you ever too young to fall in love?: The heart wants what the heart wants.  But you might be too young to realise what you have, and not take care of it... and eventually lose it.  But you're not too young to fall in love.

Have you ever been in serious physical pain?: yes

Have you ever been in serious emotional pain?: you have no idea.

Has someone close to you died?: yes.

What would you do if your best friend died?: I don't even know... I can't even get past that black cloud that would totally surround me.

Do you even have a best friend?: Just two.  and they're all I'll ever need.

Do you have someone who is your "safe haven"?: Yes.

To whom do you run to when all else fails?: yes

Has your world ever crashed down around you?: yes

When you get angry, what do you do?: I cry

When you are sad, what do you do?: I cry

Is there a song that makes you cry?: there are a few

Who was the last person you hugged?: Felicia

Who was the last person you kissed?: well Felicia was making the moves on me last night ;) but the last person?  He knows who he is... and he'd probably lie about it anyway.  But it was... nice... brought closure... the butterflies were gone.  For the first time in 3 years.

Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? nope

If you do, do you love them?: n/a.

Have you ever broken anything?: nope

Does it hurt as bad as everyone says it does?: does what hurt?

Are you a druggie?: nope

Are you an alcoholic?: nope

Are you stubborn?: I can get that way

Are you sarcastic?: not as much as Felicia... but I have my prime moments

Do you swear?: at times

Are you honest?: always

Are you trusthworthy?: yes

Are you responsible?: mostly

Are you intelligent?: yes

Are you atheletic?: nope

Do you believe in God?: yes

Do you believe in miracles?: i do

Do you believe in Heaven and Hell?: I don't know... I'd like to

Do you believe in karma?: yes

Do you believe in fate?: yes

Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?: yes

Do you believe in luck?: Yes.

Do you believe in yourself?: yes

Will there be a World War III?: god I hope not, but I'm sure there will be.

Will humanity eventually snuff itself out?: if we keep going the way we're going yes.

What's something that really gets under your skin?: liars, cheaters, being blown off.

What are some songs that really mean something to you?: there's many.

What is the most common misconception of you?: That I'm as stupid as I sometimes come off.

Can you write with both hands?: nope

What's the best feeling in the world?: Anticipation.

What's the worst feeling in the world?: being let down.

What is your favorite song lyric?: hmmm.. "heaven's not a place that you go when you die, it's that moment in life when you finally feel alive so live for the momen and take this adivce, live by everyword, love is just a hoax so forget everything that you have heard, and live for the moment now"- The Tide The Spill Canvas

If you could turn invisible, where would you go?: hmmm... I have no idea,

If you could read minds, whose would you read?: boys.  seriously... I'd like to crack that code.

If you could fly, where would you fly to?: anywhere

Have you ever cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes.

Would you ever cheat on them?: I don't have one... but I would never in my life ever do that again... I think people who do that are scum, absolute scum.

Have you ever hurt someone to make them see something?: I suppose on my way out with Chris.

Have you ever gotten mad at someone so they would see you're serious?: yes.

What makes you smile?: people, memories, music, movies

What makes you frown?: being let down.
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