Show me the way to bed.

Aug 28, 2008 11:26

* The other day when I was walking to my car from the gym I heard the band practicing the fight songs really loudly. I would be lying if I said I didn't get a little choked up. Hot damn, I can't wait for football season!

* Yesterday was a bust for both dieting and exercising. I went to the Inns of Court meeting yesterday, featuring free pizza. I love pizza. And considering you can get free pizza almost everyday at the school...well, my diet didn't have a chance. Then we had Lou's birthday at Torreya Grill (which, by the way, was wretched. If you hate food and all things concerning eating, you will love this place.). And since I had to go to Lou's birthday dinner with the Hispanic family I couldn't get sweaty. So no working out.

* However, the more I hang out with C's extended family the more I like them all. I think it's easier to like those who are not related to you. It is awkward when everyone is speaking Spanish but I guess I now have an excuse to dust off my high school language training.

* I love seeing all the 1Ls and not feeling that anxiety.

* I'm halfway through Breaking Dawn and I want punch Stephanie Meyers. Seriously. This sucks.

* I love having Fridays off. I'm going to read all day. If anyone wants to join me and have some coffee and quiet time, let me know.
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