Like a hand out the window in the wind...

Aug 26, 2008 18:15

* Day 2 of Weight-Loss Extravaganza 2K8: I penciled into my planner a yoga class at 11AM but since I woke up with neck pain again I was able to talk myself out of going. Instead I went to the gym and treadmilled for half an hour and did arm and back/chest weightlifting. I feel pretty good about my neck; this was the first day in about a week and a half I haven't had to take something for the pain. As far as my diet, C and I are going to work on the 6 days on/1 day off plan. This entails eating right, exercising, not smoking or drinking for 6 days and then having one day off. Saturday will be our day off since we'll be at the wedding and I am not holding myself back from wedding food.
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