I will clench my own fist.

Apr 03, 2007 08:53

Things that have given me the red ass recently:

spending $100 and 3 hours figuring out how to make a DVD on my Mac for class and then it not burning correctly, and not knowing how to fix it.
cleaning all Sunday to have mess in the kitchen on Monday.
my dirty dirty car.
the amount of firm shirts I own that are too big for me.
my inability to make it to the gym.
how Sassy likes to molt after I vacuum.
how Scenes From a Marriage is so good but is so talky that I have to actually sit and watch it.
my eyebrows.
having to miss seeing Tim.
the trees in my backyardish area that are shedding all over my clean porch.
running out of my Peet's coffee and having to use Maxwell House.

There, I thought it was time for a complainy post. That feels better.
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