The things you think are precious I can't understand

Mar 19, 2007 16:03

Yesterday it occurred to me how happy I am with my very real life. I have a real job. I'm going to have a very real job when I'm done with law school. I have a real relationship with a real man. It's hard to explain; I'm not playing around anymore. The best part is that my philosophy major (you know, the major that people tell me is useless) actually helped with getting this real life.

In Human Sexuality we had two guest speakers talk to us about reconciling their homosexuality with their Christianity. I was shocked by how rude the more conservative members of my class were. Two women repeatedly told the speakers that they were sinners and that the children of gay couples were not really their children. And the worst part is that I have lost the will to argue with these people. I just dismiss them as inconsiderate imbeciles. But then, arguing with people who don't use logic is like running on a treadmill.

Ever since I've been accepted to law school the main question I get is "What kind of law are you going to practice?". It's a silly question to ask me but it has made me think about what I want to do in the world. There's a part of me that would be eternally happy teaching at the university but I feel like I could do more. So my answer right now is to go into family law, specializing in LGBT issues. I can't imagine a better field to get into and it's only going to expand in the next decade. I feel like I can do a lot of good work and I can actually help people. Plus, everyone knows the gays are loaded.

I've decided to declare this summer The Summer of the Body. I really need to get my body right before I start law school. It's really time to get rid of all my fat angst. I've lived with my inner Fat Girl for a long time and I'm tired of feeding her. It's expensive, and she's kind of a bitch.

I also have about 400 movies in my Netflix queue and about the same amount of recipes that I want to try so I'm proposing a lot more dinner and movie nights. I'll try to organize that thought later.
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