Feb 23, 2007 15:49
So if you missed it on MySpace, FaceBook, or haven't talked to me this week, I was accepted to law school. My father told me on Tuesday and I have spent the last couple of days giggling at random moments. I walk around with my normal level of anxiety and then all of the sudden I'll think "I got in!". And then I involuntarily giggle. Today I recieved an invitation to the Accepted Students day at the law school on March 30. I think that makes it official.
Of course, now it makes it even harder for me to motivate myself to go to class. Yesterday I skipped my Human Sexuality class, which wouldn't be such a big deal except the class only meets once a week. I just can't deal with the idiots that attend. I've never met such a close-minded group of people. (Ok, that's a lie. But they are pretty bad.) It takes A LOT of self-control for me to not be class asshole (classhole!). Actually, I kind of already am, considering the response I heard when I told my teacher I wrote a good paper. Apparently, it was a little too cocky to defend my writing. And I did write a good paper. I got a 97. Because I hate APA style.
I'm also classhole in my Environmental Ethics class because I suggested in the Sophie's Choice situation, she should have just picked the kid she liked best. I was only halfway kidding.
In other news, my recent obsessions are getting a little out of hand. I have the biggest crush on Veronica Mars. Not the character and not Kristen Bell (ok, maybe a little) but the whole show. I can't stop watching. Luckily, I have a very supportive (read: enabling) boyfriend who will download the episodes, watch them with me, and then listen to me dissect them.
I also can't seem to stay off the Netflix site. I currently have something like 350 movies in my queue, which is a little embarressing. However, I justify it by telling myself it's saving me money and giving me something to watch instead of the Food Channel. Also, considering I'm very much over the whole bar/drinking scene I have to fill my evening hours with something. And right now I can think of nothing better than subjecting Boyfriend to French and/or gay movies every weekend.
I really love Fridays like this.