Nov 08, 2004 12:47
This will be a quickie. ;) And I excell at those. ::cough::
The best friend, Pooh, called this morning, after several weeks of no speak, and sounded like her old self. She explained that with Mil's death(Oct 17th) she was no good for anyone to talk to for awhile, which is what I surmised, and had left her alone. She is like that, and I respect her wishes. She always bounds back at some point, and we go on, as we have for over 20 years.
She said she sniffled and bawled for a couple of days, and then, in the middle of a discussion on burial choices, her sense of humor came back to the fore, and she said she started giggling and laughing her ass off. The funeral director remembered her mother well, as she had come in every month to pay her own burial costs, and he had thought her a 'cool' old lady.
So that made Pooh feel better, and she and her hubby Robert got back into joke mode, which is where they live. Believe me. You don't wanna talk to them if you've left your sense of humor behind. They'll get you. Oh yes, they will. ;)
So, since Mil was cremated, (I used to talk with Mil about that and she always grinned at me when I went UGH) she now resides in a closet. Pooh mentioned, "not that kind of closet". Anyway, they plan to make a spot in the yard, with rocks and plants, and have her in a special concrete urn out there.
Me, I was glad to hear from her, had been a bit worried, but it looks as if she's herself again. She's worried about taking off some extra pounds she gained while miserable. I told her to eat good food, and not worry about it. I plan to see her this weekend if I don't get completely bogged down in work and my parents' BIG MOVE.
Gee. I thought they'd get lots older before I'd be worried about their movements.....
*Runs off to be punished for that one*