a family of yuan confusing me

Jun 02, 2012 11:07

I realized yesterday that I'm starting to get confused with all the words that sound like yuan. Some of these are easier to distinguish, but others... I'll be like... okay, "hospital" ends in which one again?

So I'm going to try and make this clear to my head again. I think I need to go write each of these a few dozen times and maybe then I'll remember.

公园 gōngyuán "public park"
员工 yuángōng "staff/personnel"
原来 yuánlái "originally, formerly, as it turns out"

I don't think I ever confused this one with anything. Okay, maybe I've confused it with 运 yùn "move, transport, luck, fate"

医院 yīyuàn "hospital"
学院 xuéyuàn "college"
愿意 yuànyì "to be willing to"

愿 is 原 over the heart radical. The heart is the origin of wishes.

learning mandarin, hanzi

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