Apr 22, 2012 08:58
At some point during 16-17, I crossed a border as a viewer. For a while I felt like I was watching mysteries unfold while wondering what they mean -- you know, watching a story. Then I suddenly felt like "Wait, what?" Suddenly it all felt very surreal. One incident after another without explanation.
- Strange man comes onto the boat and talks LHC into drinking different wines out of different cups, then vanishes when Evil Doctor appears.
- Soon after, a strange man flies across the boat and whisks LHC away to an undisclosed location. "I'm going to kill you to save my daughter." "Okay."
- A bunch of women in a boat fly to shore to show LHC their legs (there was something else going on, but I was kind of caught up in the "what?")
- Everyone is drawn up to a mountain party where LHC is greeted by complete strangers who toast LHC in front of an already pushed beyond suspicion Huashan family. Naturally he smiles and drinks with them, because nothing calms suspicion like playing along with the strange people as if they're friends.
I kept wanting LHC to turn to the Huashan people after each incident and say "Wow, what just happened?" Though after awhile, I guess that would be suspicious too. Not that staying drunk is doing him any favors.
I'm probably wrong about this, but it sounds like the mojiao people are calling RYY shén gū 神姑 (subtitle: Holy Lady). And is sounds like they call themselves shén jiào 神教 (subtitle: Holy Party), which would be an interesting contrast to what the other side calls them. But I could just be a student straining to understand words I don't know.
And RYY seems to be dealing with faction issues of her own.
smiling proud wanderer