the fast-forward button : a love story

Dec 15, 2011 09:06

You know, there was a time I didn't realize how special you are. I would just watch a show, then look away in disinterest during certain plot points, or whenever particular characters were on screen. Hey, maybe I need to practice how to write 爱 so I'll just scribble on a pad of paper until the OTP is back on screen.

It's not that I don't like conflict in a drama. It's not that I don't like villains, if they particularly grab my attention. But as much as I enjoyed watching shows like Brilliant Legacy, or Goong, I began to dread those scene changes that would return me to the plotting of Evil Stepmother/Aunt/etc.

Then I found you, Fast-Forward Button. When Evil Stepmother shows up, I can just move on the next scene of Eun-Sung and Hwan. Sure, I feel a bit guilty as we skip parts of the story together. But look, we're here to have a good time together, right? I know we can't do everything. Even together, we couldn't make it through Jumong.

It does make me think of those shows for which I didn't need you at all -- like The Princess' Man or Coffee Prince or Sungkyunkwan Scandal. I don't want you to feel neglected, Fast-Forward Button, but remember how I was able to watch every scene of those shows? I was really into them, and I have to appreciate that.

Now I'm thinking about you again. Me Too, Flower is showing me one of my favorite OTPs ever. I love watching every moment of them together, both the sweet and the angst (and the sweet angst). But Hwa-young seems to be turning into one of those characters that make me want to fast forward. I'm not quite there yet, but Show needs to get back to what's important to me (I sound so demanding here, but really, the Selfish Evil Character Interfering With The Lovers is something of an overused archetype, and not necessarily the best way to add drama). I love this show, seriously, and I hope it doesn't careen too far in that direction.

But you know... when I need you, Fast-Forward Button, you're there. That's so cool.

goong, random, coffee prince, jumong, the princess' man, sungkyunkwan scandal, brilliant legacy

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